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miniBB's "Bible" of Choice

Would you like to know more about miniBB and its philosophy? Check our "miniBBible": the exlanatory guide below will answer most specific questions you may be interested in regarding miniBB®.

Just check out questions you are interested in, and you will get specific answers, aligned by your choice. We won't let you get something you don't need at all, and not only in this guide.

Stay with us, and you will win. Thank you for your attention and patience. Peace! :-)

I am interested to know why is it important to have forums attached to my webpage
I'm a complete newbie and don't even know where to start
I want to build my own forum from scratch
I need someone to install the forum for me
I am interested to know if am I able to handle the forum installation and maintenance myself
I don't want to pay for my forums software, I want to get it completely for free
I don't know what miniBB® stands for, what is it in general, and why is it called "mini"
I am curious to discover what makes miniBB® so different from its competitors
I want to know about miniBB® targeting audience
I need to know what kind of warranties miniBB® provides
I already own a personal website and I'm willing to attach a forum to it fully matching the current graphical layout
Member logins are already available on my website, and I would like to synchronize a forum software with them
My forum should be easily and quickly indexed by any search engine, making a constant traffic to my website
I don't need just to install a regular forum script, I need something, that I can extend with my own features and add-ons
Being a professional coder I need to know straight away about miniBB® coding concepts without going deeply inside its files and structure
I am a geek programmer and I am looking for a forum script, which I can modify and customize in full
I am curious to know where it all started from
I would like to get an information about the team standing behind miniBB®

Have a question not listed above? Visit our support forums and post it there. We are constantly monitoring our board, as well as providing support for the whole business day. Guests are allowed to post immediately, without registration steps.

If you are pathologically afraid of checking boxes, start reading everything in full.
Forum owners about miniBB:
I don't think I've seen such nicely planned code structured in a truly object oriented fashion. It's unreal! You guys did an UNBELIEVABLE job writing this.
as written by...Evan
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