They are all on the same big page here, the one and only place where all related official miniBB downloads are collected. Except a special indication, all packages comes FREE at no charge. Each of them have been compressed in ".zip" format, contents are 100% open source, do not contain any viruses or spyware - guaranteed!
Basic forum software and important extras * |
Try our branding miniBB Online Compiler - it's FREE! Embedding all major miniBB add-ons now means few clicks and few seconds. After that, you're a step away from installing and running the Full package or the package of your Choice. Enjoy the new way of building a program, which you never find elsewhere! |
miniBB ® |
3.6.1 24-Jun-2023 | |
The currently supported version of miniBB. Check the installation and upgrade instructions inside the archive (README.txt for the new installation). See it in action: on our Live Forums (always up-to-date version) or Demo Forums (there might be a slight delay in updates). |
Updates' History |
24-Jun-2023 | |
Updates' history and instructions of upgrading intermediate versions of miniBB 2.x series, also as SQL commands file for upgrading your database to the current version. Read miniBB Upgrade Manual on how to use these instructions effectively. |
Add-ons (Plugins, Extensions... however you call them) |
$Human Authorization (CAPTCHA) |
3.1 24-Jan-2025 | |
Protects your forums from automated spam and flood, at the same time allowing guests to post. High level of customization disallows recognition programs to encode it. Test it in action on our support forums or test forums. |
:-)Keyword-rich URLs |
3.4 20-Jul-2023 | |
The package of few various modules, which will transform internal forum hyperlinks on-the-fly, so they contain related keywords. Must-have for SEO fans! We're using one of such modules on our Community Forums. |
$Mobile Version |
3.5 24-Jan-2025 | |
Enabled for the Mobile/Responsive mode of miniBB Forums, the package itself includes step-by-step guide and codes of how to make your forum fitting portable devices and/or smartphones, switching to the responsive mode automatically. Test it in action with all add-ons! |
:-)Disclaimer & Policy |
3.5 24-Nov-2023 | |
Disclaimer/Policy approval before Registration. Test it in action! |
$Contacts Form |
3.1 11-Jun-2024 | |
The Contacts Form script, which could be used not just for an existing miniBB forum, but even for a standalone template or website. That's the one we use on - check its link amongth the top menu items, or in the footer. Also possible to test it in action on test forums. |
:-)Smilies |
3.3 11-Jun-2024 | |
Allows to insert a smiley (emoji) in messages. Possible to customize/provide the list of your own very special smilies/emojis Test it in action! |
:-)Avatars |
3.3 18-Jun-2024 | |
Choose pre-defined, and/or upload avatars from disk. Test it in action! |
:-)Signatures |
3.6 7-Jun-2023 | |
Allows to display a member's signature under each message. Test it in action! |
$File Upload, Attachments and Mini-Galleries |
3.3 26-Jun-2024 | |
Allows to attach files to your messages and create mini-galleries within picture forums. Click here for more or test it in action! |
$File Bank |
3.6 24-Jan-2025 | |
The standalone File Uploading script, which allows to keep files all in one place, and refer to them in forum messages; merged with the forums' membership. Click here for more or test it in action! |
$Private Messaging Service |
3.4 28-May-2024 | |
Allows forum's registered users to communicate with each other privately. Click here for more or test it in action! |
$Polls & Surveys |
3.3 11-Jun-2024 | |
Universal Polls solution for your forums, optionally allowing multiple Polls or one Poll, per topic, or all polls collected in one section. Guests could be allowed to vote. Click here for more or test it in action! |
$Photo Album |
3.4 27-Apr-2021 | |
Allows forum members to share images of their own in the profile, that way turning your forums into a dating board. Click here for more or test it in action! |
$Forums Checker |
3.4 7-Jun-2023 | |
The tool for the instant checking of unread messages. Click here for more. |
:-)Profiles Checker |
3.3 22-Mar-2023 | |
The tool for the instant checking of member profile updates. Test it in action! |
:-)"Anti-Guest" |
3.4 17-Jun-2024 |
lime, Paul |
For disabling guests and new accounts from posting URLs, email addresses, and forbidden words. Developed in collaboration with 3rd party. Test it in action! |
:-)First page news |
3.4 28-Mar-2023 | |
Allows to display recents posts or topics on a standalone page, such as a website's first page. That one we use on our primary homepage now. |
:-)RSS |
3.5 7-Jun-2023 | |
RSS feed for your forums [RSS format 2.0]. Set up at our Live Forums. |
:-)Advanced Anchors |
3.5 23-Apr-2021 | |
Provides more sophisticated and stronger linking of internal messages, incl. message-level anchors. Enabled at our Live Forums. |
:-)Who's Online |
3.3 8-Jun-2023 | |
Instant displaying of online guests and members on forums. Test it in action! |
:-)Last Visit |
3.3 26-Mar-2019 | |
The date of the most recent member visit recorded and displayed under the profile. Test it in action! |
:-)Time Ago |
3.3 22-Jun-2018 | |
The add-on to replace all formatted dates to the "time-ago" format, i.e. "Posted X minutes/hours/days ago". Test it in action! |
$Pre-moderation |
3.4 22-Mar-2023 | |
Show topics/messages and possibly attached images and files to public, only after they are approved by forum moderators. Click here for more or test it in action! |
:-)"Bad" words filter |
3.4 14-Feb-2022 | |
Replaces defined "bad" words with asterisks. Test it in action! |
:-)Members List |
3.3 15-Oct-2020 | |
Generates a list of currently registered members with few searching and sorting options. Test it in action! |
:-)Gender |
3.3 19-Jun-2018 | |
Specify Gender, choosing from a dropdown on the Profile page. Test it in action! |
:-)Ranks |
3.3 19-Jun-2018 | |
Customized user ranks based on posts amount, appearing near the username. Test it in action! |
:-)Direct email |
3.3 22-Mar-2023 | |
Allows any visitor to send an email to the forums partaker via the standard form, if a member has disabled showing email to public. Email is sent via the same function miniBB uses by default. Also works with the Captcha add-on. |
:-)Merge Topics |
3.3 19-Jun-2018 | |
Allows forums administrator to attach the newer topic to the end of the older, or "merge" two topics into one. Test it in action! |
:-)Multiple Topics Action |
3.3 30-Sep-2018 | |
Allows to delete or move multiple topics at once, marking them with boxes appearing under topics listing. |
:-)Unchecked Topics Indicator |
3.5 28-Apr-2021 | |
Puts a special icon near topics titles and/or forums, indicating unread messages inside of them. |
:-)Check User's IPs By ID |
3.3 18-Jun-2018 | |
Being board's administrator, you could analyze IP addresses of a registered member knowing user's ID. Test it in action! |
:-)Users Month Stats |
3.3 1-Jun-2024 | |
View statistics by number of user replies in a given month. Test it in action! |
:-)New Configurable Topic Form |
3.4 8-Jun-2023 | |
Display the New Topic Form on the Main Forums page and a separate Topic Form on the Topics page. |
:-)Essential Nickname |
3.3 19-Jun-2018 | |
JavaScript tutorial to force Guests for entering their nickname before posting. Test it in action! |
:-)Calendar |
2.0 |
Juan Carlos Udias, |
Browse calendar to view messages posted at the certain day. |
:-)Content Rotator |
3.0 3-May-2012 |
Tom from 'seothatworks', |
Rotates ten different html or text snippets (ads, banners...) for the certain forum's topics. |
Extra BB codes |
Color Picker |
3.3 17-Dec-2018 | |
Allows to pick up a color of the posted text just with a few mouse clicks. Test it in action! |
YouTube Videos |
3.3 25-Nov-2024 | |
Allows to embed YouTube videos in postings. Test it in action! |
Vimeo Videos |
3.3 17-Dec-2018 | |
Allows to embed Vimeo videos in postings. Test it in action! |
Bulleted List |
3.3 17-Jun-2024 | |
Allows to post bulleted lists in messages. Test it in action! |
Spoiler |
3.3 1-Jun-2024 | |
Allows making part of a message initially hidden from public. Test it in action! |
Highlight Text |
3.3 17-Dec-2018 | |
Extension to the default [hl] tag of miniBB, appearing as a button to members only. Test it in action! |
Strikethrough Text |
3.3 8-Jun-2023 | |
Allows to put the "strike-through" styling on text. Test it in action! |
Utilities |
Database check for encodings and collations |
14-Mar-2023 | |
dbs_check.php - a quick script to check what character set your forum database has, and if there are all proper column collations installed. Specially useful for UTF8-based forums. |
Uploaded file type's check |
18-Jul-2023 | |
fileupload_typext.php - use this script to allow/add new file extensions and types for uploading in such add-ons as File and Pictures Attachments, File Bank etc. |
Database upgrading script |
14-May-2021 | |
Incl. convdb.php - database upgrading utility (from 1.7f to the latest release or from 2.0 RC2b to the latest release - updates number of topics, posts, user messages number, latest post time, latest poster username); dbs_convert_fav2watch.php - an optional upgrading script from the abandoned Favorites add-on to the Watching feature (introduced in miniBB 3.5). |
Subscription codes upgrading script |
6-Jan-2012 | |
renew_subcodes.php - the script to renew subscription codes from the format they were provided in miniBB versions earlier than 3.x. |
Self-closed HTML tags replacement script |
20-Mar-2023 | |
replace_selfclosed.php - the script to search and replace self-closing HTML elements, like <br />, <img ... /> (in miniBB versions prior to 3.6). |
The script to replace "text/javascript" instances |
20-Mar-2023 | |
replace_script.php - the script to search and remove `type="text/javascript"` instances from the <script> tags, also outdated comments like <!-- and //--> (in miniBB versions prior to 3.6). |
The script to review and null text-based values of miniBB members' Profiles |
14-Mar-2023 | |
check_profile_field.php - the script to analyze and possibly empty improperly set values in the Profile's text-based fields like Interests, Occupation, Country, Motto etc. |
Tutorials |
Adding new user's profile field |
2.0 14-Mar-2008 |
Paul |
Detailed tutorial about how to add a new custom field to user's profile and display it on forum. Birthday and China Horoscope code snippets are included. |
Wordpress Auth Module for miniBB |
2.2, 3.0+ 17-Jan-2016 | |
Lets your Wordpress users able to post with the same member's login on forums. |
Synchronizations, Integrations |
Synchronizing 3rd party software's users database with miniBB |
2.0, 3.0+ | |
This guide shows how an almost every existing users database of a website could be adjusted to miniBB membership. |
"Determine Fields" |
2.0, 3.0+ 23-Sep-2014 | |
A simple script which will help to determine field number indexes quickly. Useful for those who are creating/adding new user profile fields in miniBB. |
Language packs ** |
We are always looking for native writers to provide the translations to their language, and/or to convert existing translations to UTF-8. Most of packages listed below, were created in the times of first releases of miniBB, and now they could be only partially compatible with the most recent release. Make your submission and get rewarded by a permanent link or set of the premium add-ons! |
Albanian |
1.7 |
fimmi |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Arabic |
2.3 |
N/A |
Language pack Windows-1256 |
Belarusian |
2.2 3-Jul-2008 |
Sergei Stanislawchik |
Language pack, email templates Windows-1251 |
Bosnian |
2.0 6-Oct-2005 |
SeQuniX |
Language pack ISO-8859-1 |
Bulgarian |
2.0 RC6e 19-May-2006 |
Pierrot |
Language pack Windows-1251 |
Catalan |
1.7 |
simkin, Dylaks |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Chinese (Simplified) |
3.0 13-Jan-2012 |
Sluke, waterg |
Language pack, email templates GBK, UTF-8 |
Chinese (Traditional) |
3.0 13-Jan-2012 |
Sluke, waterg |
Language pack, email templates GBK, UTF-8 |
Croatian |
1.7 |
Davor Tomizh |
Language pack Windows-1250 |
Czech |
3.4 5-Jul-2019 |
Karel Běhounek |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Danish |
1.7 |
Kenneth Fribert |
Language pack ISO-8859-1 |
Dutch (Netherlands) |
2.0 RC5 27-Jan-2006 |
Marco |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Estonian |
1.7 |
Veigo |
Language pack ISO-8859-1 |
Finnish |
3.0.1 22-Mar-2013 |
Petri Ikonen |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
French |
3.1 19-Jan-2015 |
Patrick Allaire |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Galician |
2.1 31-Dec-2007 |
egalego |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Georgian |
1.0 26-Oct-2005 |
Revaz Eristavi |
Language pack UTF-8 |
German |
3.6.1 31-Dec-2023 |
Jaime, |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Greek |
2.0 RC5 5-Jan-2006 |
Spiros Doikas, The Greek translation vortal |
Language pack UTF-8 |
Hebrew |
2.0 RC5a 27-Mar-2006 |
Goran Ljubuncic |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Hungarian |
2.0.2 7-Sep-2006 |
Koles Mihaly, Seth |
Language pack, email templates; translations for Poll, Smilies, Who's Online plugins ISO-8859-2 |
Indonesian |
2.0.2 20-Oct-2006 |
Yudhista Aditya |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Italian |
2.3 28-Jun-2009 |
Michelangelo Turillo |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Japanese |
2.1 13-Nov-2007 |
Mitsuhiro Yoshida |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
 Korean |
1.7 |
sam |
Language pack EUC-KR |
Kurdish |
2.2 13-Aug-2008 | |
Language pack UTF-8 |
Latvian |
1.7 |
Virtualis |
Language pack Windows-1257 |
Lithuanian |
3.0.1 25-Nov-2013 |
Žygimantas Žąsytis |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Malay |
1.7 |
Aiesa Saad |
Language pack ISO-8859-1 |
Norwegian |
2.0.3 |
Hein Tore Tonnesen, Ole Martin Handeland |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Persian |
3.0.1 01-May-2013 | |
Language pack, CSS UTF-8 |
Polish |
2.2 26-Jan-2009 |
Jakub Trojanowski, Michal Szczesny |
Language pack ISO-8859-2, UTF-8 |
Portuguese |
1.3 |
Grupo Easylogics |
Language pack ISO-8859-1 |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
2.0.2 20-Sep-2005 |
Inacio Guerberoff, Flavio Jarabeck |
Language pack ISO-8859-1 |
Romanian |
2.0 1-Oct-2005 |
BeGe |
Language pack ISO-8859-2 |
Russian |
3.6 22-May-2023 |
WebBook, 2ramil, Paul |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Serbian (Cyrillic) |
1.7 |
Radionica za srpski jezik i kulturu, Valjevo |
Language pack UTF-8 |
Serbian (Latin) |
1.7 |
Radionica za srpski jezik i kulturu, Valjevo |
Language pack UTF-8 |
Slovak |
2.0 RC6e 8-Jun-2006 |
Fedor Tirsel |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-2 |
Slovenian |
3.3 |
Iztok Stotl, Anton Šijanec |
Language pack UTF-8 |
Spanish |
3.0 5-Apr-2012 |
SebasGnu at Hispalinux, UnSleep, Marc Antonsen, K3_, and others |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Swedish |
2.0 RC3a |
Suzana Ramadani, Christian Ohlsson, Lars Holmbring |
Language pack, email templates ISO-8859-1 |
Thai |
1.0 |
Oran Chidenzee |
Language pack, email templates Windows-874 |
Turkish |
2.0.2 24-Oct-2006 |
Aylin Ozturk, Plusediz Group; Kaan Hanodlu |
Language pack ISO-8859-9 |
Ukrainian |
1.7 |
Victoria Shevtsova |
Language pack, email templates Windows-1251 |
Urdu |
2.0.4 15-May-2007 |
Rozinya Khanum |
Language pack, additions UTF-8 |
Vietnamese |
3.0 17-Feb-2012 |
Krixtal Fashion |
Language pack, email templates UTF-8 |
Forum Icons |
Mini Icons |
19-May-2005 |
Mark James |
Set of 144 GIF icons, 16x16 pix wide |
Various icons |
20-Jun-2002 |
'Various artists' |
Older example icons of what miniBB team has collected and designed |