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Author chazyvr
#46 | Posted: 13 Jan 2006 16:49 
I did but I'm dumb. :)

Author risi
#47 | Posted: 27 Feb 2006 22:35 

as MiniBB is a simple and Powerfull Script I would like to ask what would be if there ware some addon like MiniBB Portal Similar to "First page news 2" addon but showing all the post content or half with "Read More" link on main page.

I know that something like this is existing for PHPBB so called ezportal at website.

Author Team
#48 | Posted: 28 Feb 2006 09:08 
Well, this addon also allows you to view content of the message - just set $maxTxtLength to any big value (70000) for example, and you are done.

Author MKJ
#49 | Posted: 9 May 2006 09:24 

Can't see any adjustment in the addon_1stpagenews2.php file for this but obviously I need to adjust some file or other. Working fine but only showing the topic title whereas I want to show the author and date. Where to look for this?


Author marsbar
Associated Member
#50 | Posted: 9 May 2006 10:03 
I believe you will need to edit the template for the addon (addon_1stpagenews_cell2.html). Make it something like this:
Thread made by {$topic_poster_name} on {$topic_time} Replies: {$posts_count}
All the best -

Author MKJ
#51 | Posted: 9 May 2006 10:17 
That did it - thanks


Author Grafic
#52 | Posted: 6 Jun 2006 20:24 
Hi, I have one maybe stupid question, I'm using this addon like it's used there( name of thread and date....But when someone post something to this thread, date(time) on main page is changed:(( On it is working in right way (allways date of first post)...What I have to do to have it like on your site. Thanks for any reply

Author realitybytes
#53 | Posted: 7 Jun 2006 06:57 
$post_sort=1; /* If 0, first post will be displayed under topic's title (slower); else last (faster) */

change to 0

Author Anonymous
#54 | Posted: 5 Jul 2006 12:12 
Hi, I have a problem with this addon. I followed exactly the readme.txt and the addon doesn´t work - there is nothing on the page. I am calling it via JavaScript.
Thx for help

Sorry for my English :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#55 | Posted: 5 Jul 2006 12:23 
There could be tens of reasons. If you provide an exact URL, it would be much better.

In general, re-check hundred times $displayForums, $displayMethod and $path options. I'm sure on 99.99% the reason is there.

Author Anonymous
#56 | Posted: 5 Jul 2006 13:05 
$displayForums=array(3,4); - IDs
$displayMethod=2; - 2 for JavaScript
$path=''; - url to the forum

I think it´s all right.

url to the web:

thank you for helping

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#57 | Posted: 5 Jul 2006 14:26 
$path is not the URL. Read carefully description inside the addon.

Author Rob1
#58 | Posted: 8 Sep 2002 22:43 
4 Oct 2006 08:25 - Attached on merging:
2 x hack_1stpagenews.php

One other thing. Can I have 2 different news feeds on my homepage at the same time - using the 1st Page News plugin.

If I 'php include' pagenews1.php and pagenews2.php on one page for example - only one of them works.

This would be linking to forumID 4 and forumID 2 for example....

Hope you get my drift :)

Author Team
#59 | Posted: 9 Sep 2002 10:20 
Yes, I got it. I guess, there is no such problem in it - just use 2 files as you said, only rename them different and put different options inside.

Author Rob1
#60 | Posted: 9 Sep 2002 12:09 
I have done that - even adding a copied setup_options2.php file - to go alongside the pagenews2.php, pagenewscell2.php - which are alongside the pagenews1, pagenewscell1.php and setup_options1.php. Only pagenews1.php works when I do this...

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