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Author Team
#1 · Posted: 17 Oct 2003 12:28
It would be cool for authors of the board to KNOW, how did you find our site. Not a marketing target, just interest.


Author Max
#2 · Posted: 17 Oct 2003 13:40

Now im delivering it myself - new participant:

Еще раз спасибо за "закрытый" форум!!

Author lozmatic
#3 · Posted: 17 Oct 2003 19:52
either cgi-resources or

was the best day of my life, of course ;)

Author Oakie
#4 · Posted: 18 Oct 2003 09:42
I first found it on Hotscripts. At the time, I was scouring the net for a complete overview of the php/mysql offerings. miniBB was at or near it's inception at the time. I was just a beginner learning the ins and outs of installing scripts. I tried all the usual suspects in the open source forum game. as months went on I headed towards more and more bloated systems that eventually lead to massive CMS nuke style programs with 30 to 60 mysql tables and horrible loading times.

I ran an EZ board on the side for a couple of years and me and my members loaded it up with tons of avatars, huge graphic animated signatures and other assorted nonsense in the header and footer that amused us endlessly and slowed the board to a crawl. We learned a lot of basic html and javascript and had a great time abusing that board in the process.

At the same time , I had my own domain name and webspace for a few years and when we tired of experimenting with EZBoard I came looking for a simple, clean, fast forum that I could modify to suit my own needs.

I had matured to the point that we could actually appreciate the beauty of MiniBB's simplicity and by that time , miniBB had matured as well.

At just the right moment, I received an email regarding miniBB's reaching version 1.6 status.

I came over here, downloaded it, installed a few hacks, fell in love, and canceled my EZ_board within days.

My member base is small but loyal and the EZ_board posts had dwindled to 2 or three a day, then 2 or three a week. It was bad.

Once I installed miniBB, I emailed my friends about the new script and it was a breath of fresh air. They loved it, the Speed, Simplicity, and unique front page post displays made it an instant hit.

we're averaging 800 posts a month. Not bad for a handfull of regulars who might have just disappeared forever if not for miniBB !!!

Author Pille
#5 · Posted: 21 Oct 2003 14:47
I was looking for a forum for our Moskvich fans page and my friend suggested miniBB. He had already been using it for a long time and had only good things to say.

So I thought I'd give it a try. Right decision! It's so simple and effective to use and makes other bigger forums look really bloated and cluttered.

Thank you miniBB authors! Keep up the good work!

Author Jeremy
#6 · Posted: 22 Oct 2003 14:31
I spent ages looking for a good bb before I stumbled on minibb (it was only 1.0 back then)

Author Anonymous
#7 · Posted: 22 Oct 2003 14:39
I found it in another messege board for my hosting site. This looks good.

Author Anonymous
#8 · Posted: 31 Oct 2003 21:42
Searching for future alternatives to ILIAS currently in use on our online-courses on university of vienna for psychotherapeutisches propädeutikum I found from which I was linked to miniBB.
I am freelancing supporter and moderator for their online courses. Your system ist absolutely great for small to medium boards with admin firm in php/sql. Instead of finding out how a big (and complicated) board works I just use the sql-interface of my hosting-provider to change whatever I want.
Sorry to say that I dont see a way for this system to handle hundreds up to thousands of users (and scores of authors and moderators) but thats not the focus anyway.

Nice job, keep on going


Author Anonymous
#9 · Posted: 23 Nov 2003 03:27
Just a good one. I found it on:
:D , anyone in Viet Nam?

Author maousse
#10 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 06:56
I saw it running on and found minibb very fast !

so I'm a convinced user now :-)

Author fruitfly
#11 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 09:31
I found it through hotscripts :)

Author thekore
#12 · Posted: 28 Nov 2003 13:00
i found it on :P

Author Anonymous
#13 · Posted: 8 Dec 2003 20:52
I found it on hotscripts - I was looking for something simple as most BB's are getting waaay to big and 90% of the features I don't need or want.


Author speechlez
#14 · Posted: 18 Dec 2003 15:09
Found it on and find it very useful.

Author Pascal
#15 · Posted: 19 Dec 2003 13:51
Can't remember.

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