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Polls (v.1.1), File Bank (v.1.1) add-ons updated

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 28 Jan 2008 09:17
Polls add-on has been updated recently including the suggestion of Christopher Drube from electronic-thingks regarding colored poll bars; also there was fixed so called "integer definition bug" which we are working on these days updating all the add-ons available. You can see the progress by dates in Downloads area.

So far for the Polls add-on there is a new option $pollBarColors under addon_polls_options.php which can be disabled if you don't want to use the different color bars; also the following files/codes need to be updated:


Under templates\addon_polls_vote.html alert output of JavaScript code should be enclosed in Quotes, not Apostrophes.

File Bank add-on sponsored this time by our adults from Cuckold Place, was updated to have compatibility with Uber-Uploader, so far the most flexible file upload indicator we have found on the web. As you might know, with only PHP script it is not possible to build a solution which would emulate uploading progress bar with only JavaScript and PHP methods... that's why it is needed to install .CGI script. And because many hosting servers have both things by default, now we provide the add-on which could be a turn-key for files-rich forums, where it's possible to upload large few megabytes, or even few hundred megabytes size files with no PHP upload_max_filesize setting limitation or other PHP limitations. Uploading the large size files, now your users may feel comfortable using this add-on, because with Uber-Uploader it will show all upload progress details.

You can test how it works on our forums.

Additionally this add-on has been fixed for "integer definition bug" as well, and now it's even possible to upload/move the files with existing file names in the certain folder - extra numerical prefix will be given to such filenames for keeping them available to store.

All templates and *.php files are needed to update if you have this add-on installed.

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 Polls (v.1.1), File Bank (v.1.1) add-ons updated
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