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A few Premium and Free add-ons' updates regarding the upcoming release 3.2

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 15 Sep 2015 18:42
The new version of miniBB should be released soon, and it's 50% about the new version of Premoderation add-on, which should be released in the end, after all codes are completed. We currently hold the older version of Premoderation, but please note - it will be discontinued soon. It's mostly kept for those, who want to stay and happy with the older version, so they could upgrade it to the end-of-support.

In opposite to the current version, the new version of this add-on will use the new principle of pre-moderated messages posted in standalone mySQL tables, so they do not appear on the forum at all and not counted/shown in members profiles. If there are installed File Attachments add-on, Private Messaging add-on, Smilies or Color Picker, or all at once, the new version will be bundled with them all. More information of this add-on will come on its release.

Following the graduated upgrading way, today there were released the updated versions of the following add-ons:

* File and Image Attachments - the newer package will contain changes in the following files:

- support for the new version of Premoderation add-on


- support for the new version of Premoderation add-on

- support for small images is back - now if their width/height doesn't exceed the defined thumbnail's parameters, they will be stored "as is" with no thumbnail.

- updates for Archives ($addPath) and the new Premoderation add-on

- update for Archives

* Private Messaging - the following files affected:

- NEW - the code not to allow premoderated members sending PM except to admin and moderators

- language packs updates for the above code

- update regarding the new Premoderation rule

- $loginLogout enclosed in the condition:
* Smilies - addon_smilies.php and bb_plugins.code.txt are now ready for the new Premoderation

* Color Picker - its bb_plugins.code.txt is ready for the new Premoderation, too.

Since there were no security updates and no critical changes, and the updates mostly affect the newer version of Premoderation add-on, you are not advised to upgrade your forums to these versions immediately. However, I'd like to keep in a focus, that further upgrades of these add-ons, and the core, will be based on these versions only, and the older versions are not supported anymore.

You're welcome giving more questions in this thread.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 16 Sep 2015 18:37
The bb_plugins2.php for file/image attachment addon works well, thanks. Let's hope for only minimum updates elsewhere too ;).

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 18 Sep 2015 16:32
Thanks for this report. More small, but yet important updates, will follow below.

From today: the following add-ons were updated today as well, but containing just minor fixes:

- Moving Replies and Merge Topics add-ons now contain a fix for the ARCHIVE def; besides of it, Merging add-on now is also possible to execute in Archives and it also should keep subscriptions from the old topic, and handle possible duplicates properly.

- File Bank add-on has been updated to the v1.4.4 with the `getFileExt` function, now taking care of files uploaded with no filename.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 28 Sep 2015 19:23
Today there were added more extra security improvements for some add-ons. The major one is about HTTPOnly cookie, the 7th parameter in PHP's setcookie function, which is FALSE by default, and it is some way wrong, because miniBB is the web-only app and couldn't be accessed with an external software.

When TRUE the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol.
So where it's possible and cookies are not accessed by the CSRF-protection JavaScript like in default core, the cookie should have the 7th parameter, equal to TRUE.

The following add-ons were updated for this issue (note: premium add-ons do not have their versions changed because of that):

Who's Online
The Mobile Version
File Uploads & Attachments
Unchecked Topics Indicator

The File Bank add-on will have a minor security input change from now.

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 A few Premium and Free add-ons' updates regarding the upcoming release 3.2
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