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Can't login

Author Prince
#1 | Posted: 7 Aug 2011 00:32 

I've got some problem with log in to forum.

When I put Username and Password then click on log in button.. it doesn't loggin in, and just main page opens again as a guest and I tried to write down user and pass again, but I can't log in.. without any error.
I cleaned my cookies and caches.. and changed browser.. but same way..!

There is a lot of users Online but don't know why I can't.

Some users also reported it to me but I didn't understand what they mean and how can it be.. finally it happened to me also!
It's second time it's happening for me but after a while I can again log in!

I was wondering if some one got same issue? if so Please tell me what to do?

Best regards,

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 8 Aug 2011 10:48 
This problem needs deep debugging to solve. I never experienced it myself.

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 Can't login
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