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in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array

Author Patriboom
#1 · Posted: 17 Jan 2015 23:38
I have this message when i click on one of my topics

=============== result =================

mod = 2
user_id = 2
mod = 2
isMod = 0

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, integer given in /Documents/modem/web/rcmission/plongee/outils/Babillard/index.php on line 252

=============== end of result ============

modified (as below) index.php gives that

------------------ index.php linee 245 to 252 --------------------
echo 'mod = '.$mods[$forum].'<br />';
echo 'user_id = '.$user_id.'<br />';
echo 'mod = '.$mods[$forum].'<br />';
echo 'isMod = '.$isMod.'<br />';
echo '';

if(isset($mods[$forum]) and in_array($user_id,$mods[$forum])) $isMod=1;
------------------- end of quotation -------------------------------------

I'm using a different user_id field name as setup.options fixed (line 123)


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 18 Jan 2015 15:03
Sorry, if it's your custom code, I couldn't say anything exact. We do not provide free support for custom modifications.

Whatever could be wrong, is that you don't follow the generic format of $mods as it should be an array of arrays, as suggested in the Manual.

Specific miniBB Support Forums / Specific /
 in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array
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