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how to integrate my existing website user with mini

Author asifshabir
#1 · Posted: 8 Mar 2014 22:39
I have a website , where users are already registered.

Is it possible that when a new user registers to website, get automatically registered to the forum, and he can use the same user/pass to navigate the forum. He does not need to be registered on the forum again.

I have the code to do it with smf forum, but cant do the same with mini.

kindly guide.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 01:57
We have a basic guide here:

But you must be a coder to get your membership adjusted. It's not about the pre-composed code.

Here is a guide for WordPress users.

Sorry, I have no ideas what your website is built on, what kind of authorization it uses etc., and how it is possible that you already have a code from smf, meaning smf is the same kind of software like many others. By the way, it doesn't mean at all, that if you have some code for smf, it would work for you. Not at all.

So you possibly understand that we can not give you a precise guide. This may be a very customer-related task and the exact result comes only in terms of our paid support.

Author asifshabir
#3 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 22:18
Thanks paul.

I have read the manual, but their must be some guide for newcomers/dummies. That your free support can offer us.
All of us are not coders. If we can get some guide line then we can move forward.

thanks for your support.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 23:27
Sorry, we can not suggest the common guide without even knowing what kind of membership you have on the primary website. Every system is different, so every guide is different. As a newbie you possibly may not get into this, but as a experienced coder, I know that it is impossible to create something universal in this aspect. Even the codes you have from SMF, work only for certain software, I am sure. BTW you still did not explore what kind of software you use, so I can not give any further suggestions, sorry for that.

I also can not work for free for you personally, we create a worldwide free product with no warranty which could be used under your own risk, as it is stated in License; but regarding your private website, noone will take such risk for free.

Author asifshabir
#5 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 23:30
thanks paul.

I need to integerate this forum with my ptc website , aurora gpt script.
If you can give me some guideline. it will be helpfull for me.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 23:40
I am hearing for the first time about such script.

Probably, you could throw at me thousands of other scripts which I have no ideas about.

But the basic idea is simple: either you synchronize both scripts on your own, following the common guide and logics I have suggested; either you choose the software which suggests tons of "free" solutions for you which later could cost you ten times more than any paid script; either you hire a coder which composes the bridge between the softwares you have chosen.

Unfortunatelly, there are no other ways. You must understand that having such a tiny project as miniBB, we have powers to support this project only and not other projects which grow like mushrooms after rain, each day new. We have not as much investments as SMF may have. We are truly independant software and developers.

Author asifshabir
#7 · Posted: 11 Mar 2014 14:37
thanks paul for your support

Author Taboi
#8 · Posted: 21 Aug 2024 01:54
As always, everything is simple and very difficult at the same time. Thanks for your help)

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 how to integrate my existing website user with mini
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