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How to implement watermark for all images uploading by FileUpload Addon?

Author alex_sochi
#1 · Posted: 4 Dec 2009 06:02
I need applying watermark to all images, that uploading to forum. May be any one doing that? I can pay for this extension about 15$ by Paypal.

P.S. my english is not good... sorry

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 4 Dec 2009 15:02
If I would have more time, I could implement it ;-)

But so far the price doesn't look suitable. We could implement this feature for such price, if you could wait for a month or even more.

Author alex_sochi
#3 · Posted: 5 Dec 2009 03:10
If I would have more time, I could implement it ;-)

But so far the price doesn't look suitable. We could implement this feature for such price, if you could wait for a month or even more.
OK, i can wait. My contact e-mail is rusinfo[dog]

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 5 Dec 2009 05:44
Well, I have thought about this, and for me it seems complicated at the moment.

It means each image uploaded should pass through the "watermarking", but there are quite a lot of image types allowed. GIFs, BMPs, JPGs... and this "watermarking" thing would work only for JPEG. In other case, all uploaded images should be converted to JPEG, losing their original quality and type.

You could take Photo album add-on, where watermarks are implemented, and you will see it uses only JPG files. I'm not sure if the same thing is suitable for Image attachments add-on. It's purpose is different.

So we will skip this implementation for now. Not a $15 question. 10x bigger I must say ;-)

Author Guest
#5 · Posted: 16 Dec 2009 05:45
Watermarks all have a Copyright meaning.

If you put watermarks over images, it means your website modifies the images and owns them.

But in forums case, in most of cases that's not a true. Users often re-copy images from the other servers, and finally, whatever is uploaded, doesn't belong to the owners of this site.

Additionally, sometimes these ugly watermarks really crop the original picture. Sometimes they hide the important information on the picture.

I am enough with this add-on having no watermarks. I don't really care about them. Having something presented in image form is enough as soon as it brings new visitors to the forum :-)

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 How to implement watermark for all images uploading by FileUpload Addon?
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