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How do I eliminate some of the Sign Up Necessary fields.

Author Liz Zil
#1 · Posted: 5 Feb 2006 17:25
Hi and thanks for such great software.

I want to eliminate some of the "Sign Up" Necessary fields.

I have eliminated those fields in my "install minibb".
Do I need to change array order, see below


should I leave the array numbers alone?


And do the same in mysql database? Have I done this correctly, If so is there anything else I need to change.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 5 Feb 2006 19:48
The necessary fields are only:

* Name
* Password
* Repeat Password
* Email

You cannot work without them.

You can simply remove any other field from


with a HTML editor and that's all. But you don't need to, they're not mandatory. However, some of your users could like to share something about themselves :)

Author Liz Zil
#3 · Posted: 5 Feb 2006 22:13
Thanks for the answer. I found it.

I wanted to delete the ICQ, Website and occupation. which I did. I use PHP Designer, a free editor.

So if I understand you correctly. I do nothing with _install or install_options, is that correct.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#4 · Posted: 5 Feb 2006 22:45
To remove ICQ, web site, and occupation fields, you don't need to touch the script files - just edit template user_dataform.html. Make sure you keep the essential fields (i.e. name, password, repeat password, email) - as mentioned by Ivan.
All the best -

Author Liz Zil
#5 · Posted: 6 Feb 2006 00:09

Specific miniBB Support Forums / Specific /
 How do I eliminate some of the Sign Up Necessary fields.
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