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Get rid of annoying <br /> or something

Author Rider
#1 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 21:54
I am playing with the stylesheet in version 3.0.3, to change the looks of the forum.
I added a background image in the .gbody{} properties of bb_default_style.css. It's a black/white stripe.
But the background image is also showing up in areas where I don't want it to show up.
I managed to suppress it in most areas, but in one area I can't because I can't find the place where the code is.

It's below the bottom post in the (sub)forum listing. The Firefox inspector shows a br /

Where can I find the code for that area?

Please check the picture to see what I mean.


Author Rider
#2 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 22:06
How to get rid of annoying biiiiig attached images, lol....

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 22:15
Could be in main_topics.html or main_post_area.html

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 22:19
How to get rid of annoying biiiiig attached images, lol....
No problem. We should take care of it, not you :) Just for any case... you have to provide just [imgs] tags with a comment, not embed them with [img] tags. That provides a mess. In general, that just means you have to copy/paste the exact code which comes from uploading (File Bank) and not add anything else. That's pretty simple, to not add anything else, I guess... and hope :)

I am playing with the stylesheet in version 3.0.3
You're a bit late on it, 'cause we now have 3.1 version and everything should be started from it. Anyway, in most cases 3.0.3. stylesheet should be compatible with 3.1, but you also need to think about security.

I managed to suppress it in most areas, but in one area I can't because I can't find the place where the code is.
In the case you provided, it should be about templates/main_topics.html. I hope you could search for all <br /> tags and find the proper one you should remove and/or adjust.

Let me know if it helped.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 22:20
P.S. We've posted almost at once with tom322 so he's right :)
Thanks, tom322, for being online :)

Author Rider
#6 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 22:22
Thanks, great! I'm on it. I'll let you know.

Author Rider
#7 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 22:53
Found it and removed it. And it solved my problem! There appeared to be only one break, so it was easy.

I am not sure why I wasn't able to find the code. Having just the PHP files, Firefox browser and Inspector doesn't seem to be enough to do the job. For me, that is. But I'll get there some day:-)

Indeed I noticed you have launched 3.1 in the meantime. I'll see if I can fit it into my current migration.

Thanks again for the help, Paul and Tom.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 4 Dec 2014 23:11
A little hint from the FAQ for you:

How to find where to edit this and that

Enjoy your forum :)

Author Rider
#9 · Posted: 1 Jan 2015 12:18
You're a bit late on it, 'cause we now have 3.1 version and everything should be started from it. Anyway, in most cases 3.0.3. stylesheet should be compatible with 3.1, but you also need to think about security.
Did it! We now have 3.1 running and our visitors are satisfied.

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 Get rid of annoying <br /> or something
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