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after I edit a post, the anchor tag doesn't work

#1 · Posted: 10 Nov 2006 18:43
after I submit a post, i imagine it's supposed to center the viewport on my post, right? Because the # sign is appended to the URL but the window doesn't center on my post, and i'm trying to fix that.
However, I can't find out how.
the url after the editting message is
index.php?cfile=bb_index.php&subaction=vthread&forum=1&topic=297&page= 0#5
But MOZILLA stays at the top of the posting list.
I tried changing the 'href' to 'name' in the main_posts_cell.html template file, but no change.
what is my problem?

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 10 Nov 2006 22:00
I think you have some kind of javascript error in the dict_shortform2_submit function.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 11 Nov 2006 06:16
yes !

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 12 Nov 2006 05:14
It seems you have a very old version of the script itself.

In the newest version, URL to redirect should contain an anchor, beginning from "msg" prefix, like it is done in all newest releases. Upgrade your version.

Author myowndictionary
#5 · Posted: 14 Nov 2006 08:26
I think I gave up upgrading to integrate, so many changes I had to make to everything.
I found the differences in the new version, and fixed it with some magic I can't remember.
I think you have some kind of javascript error in the dict_shortform2_submit function.
I can fix things if I have a description :)

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 after I edit a post, the anchor tag doesn't work
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