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Pre-moderation / Premoderation

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Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#91 · Posted: 3 Oct 2016 19:03
Have I messed up this time: is it normal that a moderator can see new topic/message pending approval but the admin cannot?
Admin should see everything. Instead, forum moderator should only see topics/messages related to the forum s/he moderates. It is *not* like in the previous version. All forum moderators automatically have access to the Premoderation panel, but only could moderated allowed content (not the contents from forums they do not moderate).

If it works on your end, you did everything fine. It doesn't truly matter the order of upgrades.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#92 · Posted: 3 Oct 2016 22:50
Thanks, Paul. Yes, it makes perfect sense that Admin should see everything and that Moderator should see whatever he/she is permitted to see. Strangely, however, I have the opposite happening here: Moderator can tell there are things waiting for approval, but poor Admin can't!

Any solution/troubleshooting advice you can offer will be gratefully received!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#93 · Posted: 4 Oct 2016 15:20
Strangely, however, I have the opposite happening here: Moderator can tell there are things waiting for approval, but poor Admin can't!
Could you repeat the same on miniBB demo? You will find admin/moderator test logins on the front page. Then you will need to post something to the regular forum(s) from the regular user account, and then check if there happens the same as on your forum?

Also, make sure you're truly logged in as the Admin - with the login/password provided in setup_options.php.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#94 · Posted: 5 Oct 2016 00:16
Hi, Paul.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Could you repeat the same on miniBB demo?
No, I couldn't: miniBB Demo; therefore, the problem lies at my end. *grimacing*

Also, make sure you're truly logged in as the Administrator - with the login/password provided in setup_options.php.
Yes, I am truly logged in as the Administrator on my miniBB ... now broken miniBB.

The other thing I have noticed is that while logged in as the Administrator, on the rare occasion the Pre-moderation pending items indicator would actually indicate the same details as what the Moderator would see (i.e., both Admin and Mod would see "Pre-moderation [1/1]" instead of Admin seeing one thing and Mod another)!

On those rare occasions, however, one of two things would invariably happen to the Administrator's view ...

a) if the Administrator refreshed the window, the indicator would "reset" to "Pre-moderation [0/0]" (all the while the Moderator would still see "Pre-moderation [1/1]")


b) if the Administrator clicked on the link "Pre-moderation [1/1]", the next page would indicate nothing was pending approval! Subsequently, the indicator would return to "Pre-moderation [0/0]".

The other changes I made to my miniBB on the day I installed Pre-Moderation 2:
- upgraded miniBB to 3.2.2;
- installed pre-moderation 2;
- uninstalled the old pre-moderation add-on;
- installed advanced anchors add-on.

Any advice on next steps, Paul?

With thanks.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#95 · Posted: 5 Oct 2016 00:24
The other changes I made to my miniBB on the day I installed Pre-Moderation 2:
- upgraded miniBB to 3.2.2;
- installed pre-moderation 2;
- uninstalled the old pre-moderation add-on;
- installed advanced anchors add-on.
Sorry, there is one other to add to the above list:
- installed mobile 1.5

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#96 · Posted: 5 Oct 2016 19:03
Whatever thing I'd recommend to do, is to post some new topic, some new message in different forums and then remove them from the list (not accept them), making the whole queue clean. I know there could be something buggy, and I've caught this once while developing; however I could not repeat it anymore. I could not help you as well right now, because your codes could be messy, that's also possible. I could only check it seeing actual codes and debugging (by FTP) - however I could not do this now, 'cause I'm not working place and should be back only next week.

Other add-ons should not affect this add-on.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#97 · Posted: 6 Oct 2016 12:49
Another thing came to mind, which you could try - use miniBB Compiler to get the package with the pre-installed Premoderation add-on (at first, log in to your Customer area for being able to check this add-on on the Compiler screen). Then try to install this package in the standalone database from scratch and test it. If you could repeat bugs you see in your live forum, let me know. If you don't meet them, then the error hides deeply in your customized forum... Not sure where xactly without seeing the codes.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#98 · Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:21
Hi, Paul.

Finally got a chance to revisit this again now that I have finished work for the year.

Done: made a heap of messages in different forums and then rejecting them all while they are still in the queue -> problem persists.

Done: reinstalled premoderation 2 -> problem persists.

Latest test and outcome:

Test user makes a new post.

New posts is sitting in the pre-mod queue awaiting approval.

Moderators can see the post.

Admin cannot see the post.

This is what happens to Admin:

a) Admin logs in to the forums' main page and finds the premod counter there reads (0/0).

b) Admin visits the Admin Panel and finds the premod counter there reads correctly (0/1).

c) Admin visits the Premod Panel by clicking on the "pre-moderation" link next to the counter reading. The link takes Admin to the Premod Panel; there the premod counter at the top reads (0/0). From the Premod Panel, the links to pending topics and posts are disabled because there is zero item pending approval.

d) Rinse and repeat steps a to c. Same result.

e) Seek professional advice.

Paul, would you be available to take a look at my miniBB installation? I can send you access details off-forum.

With thanks,

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#99 · Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:37
Send me FTP details on ghappa at gmail com and I will take a look.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#100 · Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:23
"Message for you, Sir!" :)

With thanks and cheers,

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#101 · Posted: 25 Dec 2016 17:49
I have got your data and investigated the problem; the deep root of it was in the $mods definition of bb_specials.php, you have put admin's ID (1) to one of the forums definition, this caused the script to generate an extra condition, which was not necessary for admin at all. That's why you were getting those bugs. Just to repeat, admin's ID should NOT be defined in $mods.

For any case, I've also updated Premoderation code in bb_plugins.php on your server, which will prevent generating of access rights if admin is logged in. I will also update this in the official code.

Hopefully now it will be OK, please check. Awaiting your report.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#102 · Posted: 6 Jan 2017 01:47
Happy New Year, Paul!

Hope you had a good Christmas and got to relax during the festive season.

I have got your data and investigated the problem; the deep root of it was in the $mods definition of bb_specials.php, you have put admin's ID (1) to one of the forums definition, this caused the script to generate an extra condition, which was not necessary for admin at all. That's why you were getting those bugs. Just to repeat, admin's ID should NOT be defined in $mods.
Thanks so much for the trouble you have taken to help resolve the problem ... caused by my misconfiguation.

Hopefully now it will be OK, please check. Awaiting your report.
Yes, I am happy to report that Admin can now accurately see and access items in the pre-moderation queue.

With thanks and best wishes,

Author Steve Shaw
#103 · Posted: 6 Jul 2019 13:38
Hi Paul - As you know, I'm building a new, updated website and updating the forum at the same time.
I'm just in the process of adding the required plugins to the new forum, but have a bit of a concern/worry...

I'm about to add the Premoderation plugin, but have realised it is now very different to the old 'premod_msgs' plugin.
My concern is as the 'new' website forum is accessing the same database as the existing/old website forum, will this cause possible issues?
(The new Premoderation plugin seems very different, and has a requirement for SQL changes...)


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#104 · Posted: 8 Jul 2019 13:40
Steve Shaw:
I'm about to add the Premoderation plugin, but have realised it is now very different to the old 'premod_msgs' plugin.
My concern is as the 'new' website forum is accessing the same database as the existing/old website forum, will this cause possible issues?
The development of the older version of this add-on is over for a long time ago, and the previous version gains no support. But as the official Customer, you should have access to the new version and download it in the terms of the amount limits.

If I remember it properly, older version did not have a database at all. All data was stored in plain array .php files.

Whatever you should do, is to uninstall the previous version, and install the new version from scratch. The package of the new version has a script called "addon_premod_convert.php", which converts the old-format premoderated users (stored by default in shared_files/premoder_data.php -> $preModUsers) to the new format (database). This is mostly everything you should migrate from the previous version. At the time of re-installing, you should just completely moderate all earlier and current messages and leaves queues empty.

Premoderation process, however, is in many ways similar to the earlier version; as about other major changes in it, you can read in this tiding.

Author Steve Shaw
#105 · Posted: 8 Jul 2019 15:15
Hi Paul - that does make sense.
But, there will be a period where the old forum will still be active, before we go live with the new.
Will that cause issues?

There are no forum users presently on premoderation.


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 Pre-moderation / Premoderation
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