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File and Image Attachments

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Author Anonymous
#31 · Posted: 10 Oct 2007 08:59
I would like to buy this feature by WebMoney. Is it possible?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#32 · Posted: 11 Oct 2007 02:59
Yes it is possible, but you will need to pay additionally 7% for our withdrawal costs. I.e. the final sum will be 26,75 WMZ. The same for PayPal.

Author Anonymous
#33 · Posted: 11 Oct 2007 04:36
And what is your WebMoney purse number?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#34 · Posted: 11 Oct 2007 04:56
Contact us privately and we will discuss all the details.

Author Tihon
#35 · Posted: 17 Oct 2007 14:27
I have installed this plugin right now. But it is not working. After I added a code into bb_plugins.php and bb_plugins2.php I can't even see my forum main page. I am confused.
Paul, have you tested new version of this add-on?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#36 · Posted: 18 Oct 2007 03:49
Latest version of this add-on is always installed on minibbtest and it is working without doubt. Not only you are installing and using this add-on, and so far I haven't heard such complaints from other customers.

If you see the blank page, that means all errors are suppressed in your PHP configuration, but there is obviously some error appears which stops execution of the script. What kind of error? I don't know. Maybe there is a mistake in the configuration.

Author Tihon
#37 · Posted: 18 Oct 2007 04:57
Yes I see a blank screen. And no more.
Please take a look on my bb_plugins.php file that is zipped and attached to this post
[removed link]

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#38 · Posted: 18 Oct 2007 05:11
Please do not upload and distribute for public view parts of our commercial add-ons, it is forbidden. I will not get into your code anyway.

What we provide regarding this premium add-on is a free installation on your server, if you provide temporary FTP information. That's all I can help you with.

Author Tihon
#39 · Posted: 18 Oct 2007 05:15
Ok. Doing a temporary access now :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#40 · Posted: 18 Oct 2007 08:55
Ok, I've got it. You have had parseMessage() function declared twice - one time for moving replies/direct email add-on, and the second time for file upload add-on.

It can be declared only ONCE, so if somebody else will have the problem like this, be sure to merge all add-ons code which using this function, in one place.

Most preferrably you will need to move other codes from the existing function to the big file upload add-on code, before return; statement.

Author pingme
#41 · Posted: 12 Nov 2007 08:31
1. In File Attachment/Image Gallery mod, can a full size image be shown in the thread itself (after clicking thmbnail) instead of opening it in a new window


2 Is it possible to show the full size image instead of thumbnail?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#42 · Posted: 13 Nov 2007 03:47
1. I don't see the way how to show the fullsize picture NEAR the thumbnail in the same thread. Could you explain it more wider?..

2. It's not possible in this version of the add-on. The thumbnails are always created. You may use File Bank addon and then upload the pictures amongst other defined types; using [img] code you can refer to uploaded pictures in the posts without making the thumbnails.

Author maxtat
#43 · Posted: 3 Dec 2007 13:30
hi. i installed this mod and found some bugs.

I can't delete any files, it just redirects me to the main page... i think something is wrong in file existing, but i haven't found a error yet.

Also I can't add any type. I tried to write a string:
but even though it doesn't upload rar files.


The same with application/x-msdownload or application/x-gzip

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#44 · Posted: 4 Dec 2007 03:11
Read how_to_add_uknown_file_type.txt file included in the package to study the instructions of how to add the new file type. What you are adding doesn't mean you are uploading the same type.

As about deletion of files - be sure you have the latest miniBB release installed or at least the version 2.0.5. As stated on the add-on's page it works only newest releases.

Author maxtat
#45 · Posted: 4 Dec 2007 04:40
As about deletion of files - be sure you have the latest miniBB release installed or at least the version 2.0.5.
huh. i have 2.0.3 :) how can i upgrade it without installing all mods again?

What you are adding doesn't mean you are uploading the same type.
of course i tried to upload files with the same types rar, gz or exe

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 File and Image Attachments
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