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Problem on "creating forums", AFTER installation

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 22 Apr 2003 22:19
- it suddenly blocked claiming that it was "unable to access" and "failed opening" skins.php, lang.php, a.o. setup.php options, that it was apparently trying to reach at "admin.php" file, (meantime renamed, according to your advise, with setup file adjusted accordingly).

But just a minute before, it had said that installation and creation of tables were "succesful", and "admin data added", while set-up options had already been made earlier.

Thank anybody for telling, asap, what should be done ?

(Everything was done according to the book, until now : So that if it's to check the configuration/setup, must have an idea on what exactly to look at)...


Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 22 Apr 2003 22:33
(PS. sorry for the repett. but it's due to the connection, which was like "freezed", while even registration didn't work)..

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 22 Apr 2003 22:43
NB : Its precise formula was that it could'nt access "setup_options", "skin", "lang", etc. at the "admin" file (meanwhile renamed, according to your advise => it uses its new name), "on lines 25, 27-28 and 30".

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 23 Apr 2003 10:11
Have you just renamed this file or placed it somewhere else (in another directory)?

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 23 Apr 2003 16:20
No, the problem was that miniBB Manual gave the impression that set-up options.php/mysql should be erased (for security) TOO early during installation process.

But, in fact, it was still needed for completion by other scripts.

So, had to repeat the whole install, keep the setup options.php until ALL was completed, and erase it only later. That works OK.

Similar problems have apparently been faced by other people too (See elsewhere in this Forum). It might be a good suggestion to cearly explain at miniBB's Manual at what precise moment setup.options should be erased.

+ By the way, Paul, if we have to change later something in the setup of the forum, (i.e. add headers or footers, with coordinates, pex. logos, address, fax, email, etc.), how can it be done without having to re-start the whole installation process from scrap (from "point 0") ?

(It's a relevant question, and important in practice, but we should, maybe place it at new topic, to facilitate things and make this forum more useful).

Thank you for answering in the most efficient way that you can.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 23 Apr 2003 16:30
setup_options can not be erased at all!!! It is OPTIONS file, it used everytime when the board is executed. I don't remember that we suggest erase setup_options - you're messing something.

Everything you need to do is to RENAME (not erase) bb_admin.php, setting file name in setup_options, also as ERASE _install.php and _install_mysql.sql. THAT'S ALL.

I am just wondering how can you run something later. setup_options is NEEDED in forums engine, it's the first file who is included!

By the way, Paul, if we have to change later something in the setup of the forum, (i.e. add headers or footers, with coordinates, pex. logos, address, fax, email, etc.), how can it be done without having to re-start the whole installation process from scrap (from "point 0") ?

Again, I am wondering. You don't need to re-install anything, that the sense of HTML templates. You can change design, colors, texts etc. WITHOUT touching the main PHP engine.

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 Problem on "creating forums", AFTER installation
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