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Interview for Another Admin Forum

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Author Shawn Gossman
#16 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Please share any links, articles, community forums, etc.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#17 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
I hope I already did it above [on the previous page]. Feel free to give me more annoying questions on forums or the boring linkedin, or if you want so, let's meet for a coffee in Riga or while I'm travelling. Just for your knowledge: I dislike beer, wine, cocaine and methadone. Oolong tea or Moroccan coffee work out best ;)

Besides of it, I may recommend to get an ear on a free music netlabel called inqb8r, from my native state of Latvia, they also have miniBB installed, and besides of it, they release a bright-fully unusual and thinkful music from all over the world.

Stay tuned!

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