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Update of add-ons prior to miniBB 3.6: Private Messaging, Direct Email, Contacts Form, Profiles Checker, Premoderation

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 22 Mar 2023 20:21
Prior to release of miniBB 3.6, a few add-ons were updated, which are compatible both with the version 3.6, and the older releases.

Such add-ons as Private Messaging, Contacts Form and Direct Email were critical to release in advance, because they contain the code related to an important change of miniBB core scripts regarding sending emails (emailing function will be separated from the functions file and provided in the standalone file).

The other add-ons like Premoderation and Profiles Checker now include more sophisticated way of appearance among top menu items. Profiles Checker also contains the new structure for the bb_plugins codes.

All Premium add-ons were updated to their new versions under the Customer area, and the free add-ons — under miniBB Downloads. Also all of them were updated in Compiler and available for testing on miniBB Demo.

You could upgrade your add-ons versions manually. For instructions, read further below.

Private Messaging Service

Update the following:

* addon_pmail.php

* addon_pmail_mass.php

* addon_pmail_send.php

* in bb_plugins.php, updated the block of code named /* Private Messaging top link */

* in /templates/main_header.html, this optional variable could appear: {$pmViewLimit} (check README.txt for more details)

* The following files under /templates/ now contain the fix of self-closed tags (Sf) and <script type="text/javascript"> instances (Sc):

— addon_pmail_alert.html (Sc, Sf)
— addon_pmail_blocked.html (Sf)
— addon_pmail_mass.html (Sc, Sf)
— addon_pmail_mass_batch.html (Sf)
— addon_pmail_msgs.html (Sc, Sf)
— addon_pmail_notifymsg_eng.html (Sf)
— addon_pmail_sendmsg.html (Sc, Sf)
— addon_pmail_sendtool.html (Sc, Sf)
— addon_pmail_viewmsg.html (Sc)

Direct Email

Update the following:

* addon_directemail.php

Optional updates:

* /templates/addon_directemail.html — self-closed tags fix

* /templates/email_direct_mode.txt — improvement of default email template

Contacts Form

Update the following:

* addon_contactus.php

* addon_contactus_panel.php

Optional updates:

* /templates/addon_contact_us.html — fixes for self-closed tags and <script> tags

* /templates/email_contactus.txt — brief change of Date (Original Message repl.)

Profiles Checker

Update the following:

* addon_pfchecker.php

* in bb_plugins.php, there will be different block of codes named /* Profiles verification — top link */ and /* Profiles verification */ — available respectively in bb_plugins.code_1_toplink.txt and bb_plugins.code_2.txt. They should be properly pasted if you have Private Messaging or Premoderation add-ons installed — follow for more in the README.txt file.


Update the following:

* addon_premod_convert.php

* addon_premod_panel.php

* addon_premod_setup.php

* in bb_plugins.php, update the code block named /* Premoderation Top Link */ — available in bb_plugins.code_2_toplink.txt.

If you have Private Messaging, or Premoderation, or Profiles Checker add-on installed, you should also study the new code named /* Newline Separator */ available in all these packages under bb_plugins_sepr.code.txt. Paste this code properly to bb_plugins.php as described in READMEs.

News miniBB Support Forums / News /
 Update of add-ons prior to miniBB 3.6: Private Messaging, Direct Email, Contacts Form, Profiles Checker, Premoderation
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