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Released the script for determining an uploaded file type easily

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 18 Jul 2023 16:54
The script is available to download for free under Downloads -> Utilities and could be helpful in determining the file type, which has to be allowed and set up in the options of such add-ons like File & Image attachments, File Bank etc.

Usage is quite simple: unzip and place fileupload_typext.php under your miniBB folder, and point the browser's URL to this script for execution. Then upload an example file with unknown or specific extension you'd like to allow for future uploads.

File upload type's checking script — initial screen

The start screen of the script also displays the primary PHP directives which affect uploaded file size, — such as post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, memory_limit — and their values. So, it also could be used to straight check the values of these directives on your server.

If the file uploads successfully, the next screen will give some report of it, and the code string, which you have to paste in miniBB's <i>*_options.php</i>.

File upload type's checking script — successful upload

If some error appeared via uploading, the script will try to explain the nature of this error.

File upload type's checking script — upload error

The script could be optionally renamed to any other filename for security reasons.

Use this file only for TEMPORARY checks of determining the unknown extension/type and how it's handled in different browsers.

REMOVE it from the server immediately after all checks are completed!

Author wmead
#2 · Posted: 23 Jul 2023 07:25
This is pretty helpful little bit of code.

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 Released the script for determining an uploaded file type easily
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