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Moving Replies add-on updated

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 | Posted: 27 Dec 2015 13:54 
The Moving Replies add-on has been updated today to provide more proper reloading of the topic's page, from where the message(s) moved.

It also now contains a new little feature, which I've missed a lot on my own: the list of Pre-defined topics, which could be now set up under the `$predefinedMovedTopics` array. It allows to specify the list of topic IDs, which may be used most often in the moving processes, like "garbage can" topics or "spam" like we have on our forum. Specifying such an array, it's possible to force the moderation process in a more quicker way, because then topic IDs could be pasted by a click and not manually.

Enjoy new features, and a Happy New Year to everyone!

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 Moving Replies add-on updated
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