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miniBB version 2.1 released + few add-ons update

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 2 Oct 2007 10:17
The new release of miniBB provides a stable functional core inherited from the previous release, plus some new options and improvements.

The most important and heavy is that now admin and forum moderators are able to update user's profiles, clicking on the link from the public profile page. That way it will be possible to act for the staff person like he would be the user himself; and that way, it will be possible to update custom values of user's profile, like Avatars, Signature, Gender, Pictures and possibly others. Corresponding add-ons are upgraded as well. By this we eliminate support of the "Editing profiles" add-on.

Important programming issue is that now $isMod variable is defined at the top level, and could be referrenced at any other place or add-on.

$useSessions setting and support is eliminated in this version: as our experience showed, if the site is using sessions and it it's necessary to set up the sessions-based login routine, it is better to implement modifying bb_cookie.php.

Other changes listed in Updating History package, include small-to-average non-critical bugfixes. Please follow the instructions included in !UPDATE.txt file. If your board is not overcustomized, the upgrade process could be very quick this time.

Update is highly recommended to everybody because it's not just simply the new release; in the future, any kind of profile-based add-on we would program, will support only this version. The same affects any add-on with moderator privileges.

The following add-ons and solutions were upgraded as well:

- Signatures - now works completely based on 2.1 profile add-ons algorithm. It is now possible to set up BB codes in Signatures which differ from default forum BB codes; thus they will be saved in database and not parsed on-the-fly which could dramatically speed up the whole load of the software. The add-on has been sponsored by Work-At-Home-Forum, so far the best successful community of all the home and freelance workers around the world; the community is based on miniBB of course ;-)

- Avatars - the add-on has been updated to support admin and moderators in uploading user's avatars when editing his/her profile. As I know many of you have requested this feature, so here we go.

- Gender solution - the same as Signatures, this solution is now based on the new miniBB 2.1 routine with user profile custom add-ons and provides the basic example of how the custom drop-down field could be easily implemented. Admin and moderators are able to edit such fields with no pain now.

- Photo Album add-on - this premium add-on was upgraded regarding profile editing as well. Earlier Admin and/or Moderator were able to use special links on the public user info page to remove or edit the pictures. Now it all is available under user's profile form.

- The solution of how to add new profile's field was upgraded as well the codes provided. I hope the current algorithm of miniBB will be secured enough to allow super level of customizing of any kind of additional user's profile field. Basically with the new method it is meant that there is no field or field type which could not be added.

All mentioned stuff is installed and configured now on our minibbtest server. Feel free to test and report here any kind of bugs or issues you may find.

As always we thank you all for the mutual, knowledge-based and financial support :-)

Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 3 Oct 2007 08:33
I have installed it and discover that my CAPTCHA is not working...
Searching for a reason right now

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 3 Oct 2007 08:53
I am almost sure the reason is not because of the new version but probably because of improper update... as you see on these forums or on minibbtest Captcha is working with no changes (and in general, new updates should not depend on its code).

Author Vishal
#4 · Posted: 27 Oct 2007 00:59
The Gender solution does not seem to work after I upgraded with new addon version. The gender field is not displayed at all in the newly registered (after upgrading addon) member's profile page.

However, in old user's profile page, gender field is displayed.

I checked the database and saw that the gender field (user_custom3) is blank and not updated at all with any values (0,1 or 2)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 05:00
I must say the add-on works like supposed. I've just installed it from scratch on my local version and it works both in sign up process and profile editing process. It is also displayed on the profile page correctly. It also works on minibbtest.

Be sure that after upgrade in setup_options.php you have this line (as it is by default):


Most probably for the previous version of this solution there was a line like


It is possible to set up it that way, but it will be needed to fix a lot in plugins code then.

Author Vishal
#6 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 05:26
OK, I think I ignored a part which I guess worked with earlier versions i.e adding 'user_custom3' field to $userInfoInPosts array in
setup_options.php. I believed as I don't need the value in posts and only in user info page, I can skip it.

Sorry for the trouble Paul!

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 miniBB version 2.1 released + few add-ons update
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