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Merging Topics and File Upload add-ons updated

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 7 Sep 2007 11:03
Merging topics add-on has been updated, changing the concept of the actual merging topics process. Now it will be possible to "attach" one topic A to another B only if the first message in A is posted later, than the latest message in B. That way it will be possible to merge newer topic with the older, but not otherwise. Previous method when it was possible to merge any kind of topics, as the practice shown, produced very undesirable and unexpected results.

This update came up with the great help and sponsorship of

File Upload add-on contains now the additional code which forces to resize a picture, which width or height exceeds the maximum allowed at the time when the proportion is met. For example, if you set to resize pictures to 150 px in width, and you upload the picture 60x2000 in dimensions, the previous version allowed to upload the picture unresized and displayed it in the thread, that produced not really smart result. Current version should resize such picture additionally to a maximum height specified in the new options $maxTmbWidth, $maxTmbHeight, $maxStmbWidth, $maxStmbHeight.

All customers are welcome to download and update the new version of this add-on from their customers area.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 14:37
Hi Paul,

Would you mind clarifying whether or not moderators have access to the merge topic function? The add-on's readme file says the tool is for administrators, but the original announcement of the add-on's release suggests the add-on should work for moderators.

Merging topics add-on has been updated, changing the concept of the actual merging topics process. Now it will be possible to "attach" one topic A to another B only if the first message in A is posted later, than the latest message in B. That way it will be possible to merge newer topic with the older, but not otherwise. Previous method when it was possible to merge any kind of topics, as the practice shown, produced very undesirable and unexpected results.
Presumably the add-on would recognise and stop any 'illegal' attempts to merge append an old topic with a new one?

With thanks -

P.S. Apologies for posting questions relating to the 'Merging topics' add-on here, but there doesn't appear to be a dedicated thread for this add-on in the reply-only official add-ons forum.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 1 Feb 2012 10:03
Yes, the current add-on's version allows both the Admin and Moderators to use it. I've fixed the README file regarding it.

Presumably the add-on would recognise and stop any 'illegal' attempts to merge append an old topic with a new one?

Apologies for posting questions relating to the 'Merging topics' add-on here, but there doesn't appear to be a dedicated thread for this add-on in the reply-only official add-ons forum.
It's still appears the version issue, so it's fine :) Thanks.

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 Merging Topics and File Upload add-ons updated
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