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Direct Email add-on updated

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 8 Oct 2007 09:47
Direct Email add-on has been updated today to include the possibility which we have developed recently for Private Messaging add-on as well. It was sponsored by Work-At-Home-Forum as well, but later it's maintainers decided to implement it in PM instead of Direct Email.

The feature is that you can include the link "Report Message" or similar in the postings list, and clicking on it anybody incl. Guests (if allowed) may forward the suspicious or out-of-law message directly to the board admin's email, using the same add-ons procedures and routine.

The feature is very native and doesn't include specific options like for example in PM it is available only for the members who did not less than X number of posts before they are able to report messages.

Despite of it I decided it may be useful for somebody, that's why you're welcome to get the fresh version if you think this somebody is you ;-)

Author Rodercrown
#2 · Posted: 6 May 2009 04:41
The feature is that you can include the link "Report Message" or similar in the postings list, and clicking on it anybody incl. Guests (if allowed) may forward the suspicious or out-of-law message directly to the board admin's email, using the same add-ons procedures and routine.

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 Direct Email add-on updated
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