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Problem with addon code

Author judex001
#1 | Posted: 21 Oct 2008 13:44 

First thanks for a wonderful forum app and all the work around.

I try to add the addon code to my forum but it seems I have a problem when I try to use it in a new topic (I don't have any problem when replying).

When I click on post topic, I got an error message :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare code_unprotect() (previously declared in /home/content/f/x/c/fxconfidential/html/forum/bb_codes.php:87) in .../forum/bb_codes.php on line 87

line 87 :/* ADDON -- code */
line 88 : if(preg_match_all('/\{ \[ \}code\{ \] \}(.+?)\{ \[ \}\/code\{ \] and ...\}/is',$msg,$replacementI)){

function code_unprotect($val){
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) $val=stripslashes($val);
$val=str_replace("{ : }",":",$val);
$val=str_replace("{ ; }",";",$val);
$val=str_replace("{ [ }","[",$val);
$val=str_replace("{ ] }","]",$val);
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) $val=addslashes($val);
return $val;

foreach($replacementI[0] as $val) $msg=str_replace($val,code_unprotect($val),$msg);

$pattern=array(); $replacement=array();
$replacement[]='<div class="jscript"><pre>\\1</pre></div>';
$msg=preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $msg);
/* END ADDON -- code */

Thanks for your help

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 21 Oct 2008 14:46 
Try to put the following condition:

surrounding code_unprotect function.

Author judex001
#3 | Posted: 21 Oct 2008 15:38 
It works fine now - thanks a lot.

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 Problem with addon code
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