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  File Name File Size Uploaded at... Description Sent By
jpg file yerka_zycie_na_ogryzku.jpg
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166 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:11 Yerka's "Zycie Na Ogryzku" Paul
jpg file yerka_jablkomania.jpg
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92 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:11 Yerka's "Jablkomania" Paul
jpg file yerka_przepis_na_jablecznik.jpg
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169 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:11 Yerka's "Przepis Na Jablecznik" Paul
jpg file yerka_siedlisko.jpg
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222 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:10 Yerka's "Siedlisko" Paul
jpg file yerka_tantric_apple_tree_2010.jpg
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238 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:10 Yerka's "Tantric Apple Tree" Paul
jpg file yerka-appletree-tmb.jpg
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262 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:09 Yerka's "Apple Tree" Paul
jpg file yerka_apple_tree.jpg
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70 Kb 2 Oct 2014 01:08 Apple Tree of Jacek Yerka Paul
jpg file laima_ticket_tmb.jpg
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104 Kb 14 Sep 2014 00:19 Laima Ticket Flyer. Paul
jpg file laima_museum_women_wc_tmb.jpg
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128 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:58 Laima Chocolate Museum. Womens` WC. Paul
jpg file lungau-08.jpg
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87 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:54 Vacation in Lungau, August Paul
jpg file volvo_riga_tmb.jpg
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81 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:52 Rare Volvo in Riga Boondocks. Paul
jpg file trains_museum_wall_tmb.jpg
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153 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:49 Railway Museum. Another side of the wall. Paul
jpg file laima_museum_chocolate_tmb.jpg
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110 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:48 Laima Chocolate Museum. I LOVE SLEEPING. Paul
jpg file laima_museum_men_wc2_tmb.jpg
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118 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:46 Laima Chocolate Museum. Mens WC. Generic. Paul
jpg file laima_museum_men_wc1_tmb.jpg
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76 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:46 Laima Chocolate Museum. Mens WC. Fragments. Paul
jpg file laima_orkla_ad_tmb.jpg
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48 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:44 Laima Chocolate Museum. Eaten by Orkla. Paul
jpg file laima_museum_tmb.jpg
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105 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:43 Laima Chocolate Museum. Outside View. Paul
jpg file riga_zoo-6_tmb.jpg
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149 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:37 Riga Zoo. Oink Oink. Paul
jpg file riga_zoo-2_tmb.jpg
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125 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:36 Riga Zoo. Giraffes. Paul
jpg file riga_zoo-1_tmb.jpg
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104 Kb 10 Sep 2014 00:36 Riga Zoo. Zebras' Mirror. Paul
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