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how to install sql tables? (setup_options.php)

Author otto
#1 · Posted: 29 Nov 2002 07:44
Don't know if it is a bug, but I had some troubles at the installation, because all the DB-table-names started with minibb_ (fx.$Tf='minibb_forums';)
and the tables I had created in the DB with the sql file had names without this "prefix". The manual talks about renaming these things but not exactly "from this point of view".
It seems for me, that the sql file and the setup_options file form from the beginning should have correspondending table names?
I am a beginner and was very happy for the documentation and the easy install and the things semeed to work.
But when I should make my first forum I got a chock when I got the message "Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource..".
I did not understand anything nor I did know how to go on.
Luckyly I suddently saw my table names in the DB and found out.
So I quickly had no problems any more.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 29 Nov 2002 10:45
Yes, if you read manual - it says - run _install.php :) This script will replace table names to those you chosen in setup_options. If you chosen to run .sql file manually, it means, that you are professional and understand, what are you doing :)

But this is a really nice suggestion, thanx - we probably will make table name the same in both files.

Author otto
#3 · Posted: 29 Nov 2002 19:17
I ran .sql "manually", made a dump with phpmyadmin because I thought you proposed that was the best way (not to run run_install).
Now I see that I didn't see it meant that I was professional.
Wow! I am starting to be :-)

Anyway everything is clear:-)
Thank you.

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 how to install sql tables? (setup_options.php)
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