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No obvious option to be the first to post...

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 10 Sep 2020 18:12
Hi Paul — just a quick one.
I just added a new 'forum', and get this message when looking to add the first topic/post.
Just struck me that there is no obvious way to post the first topic...
I know there is the 'Post New Topic' option in the main options bar above, but kinda expected the option to post to be right there, waiting for the first topic post.

Just a thought.

First to post


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 10 Sep 2020 19:17
Thanks for this note; I'll definitely take a look while developing the new release and will try to fix it.

Make sure you are seeing this in a forum, which is publicly opened for creating new topics. Else only admin would be allowed to do this.

Temporary, you could just extend this sentence, saying "do it from the first page" or something like this. Or just create a new topic in each forum on your own... like the practice shows, users are up for creating new topics when they already see some exist there...

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 No obvious option to be the first to post...
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