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Page not found - what do do?

Author cromagnon
#1 | Posted: 21 Mar 2007 04:12 
Hi All,

I am stupid when it comes to set up forums, so I hope you can help. I have installed the mimiBB and all tables was created succesfully. Then problem comes when I press the "create forums" then the browser says: "page not found".

I have found questions here with same problems, but no solutions. My setup_options is like this:


$DBhost=''; (I have also tried with MySQL server hostname)





$sitename=(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])?$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].' ':'').' community built on miniBB';
//$sitename='Community build on miniBB';
$userRegName='_A-Za-z0-9 ';




$dateFormat='j F Y H:i';


/* New options for miniBB 1.1 */

$disallowNames=array('Anonymous', 'Fuck', 'Shit');
//$disallowNamesIndex=array('admin'); // 2.0 RC1f

/* New options for miniBB 1.2 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.3 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.5 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.6 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.7 */

/* New options for miniBB 2.0 */

$dbUserDate='user_regdate'; $dbUserDateKey=2;



$startIndex='index.php'; // or 'index.html' for mod_rewrite
$manualIndex='index.php?action=manual'; // or 'manual.html' for mod_rewrite


Can someone give me a clue what might be wrong?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 21 Mar 2007 05:51 
Be sure you have REALLY renamed bb_admin.php to mini_snakadm.php

Author cromagnon
#3 | Posted: 21 Mar 2007 07:16 
Thanks! Of cause I not only have to rename the bb_admin.php in the setup_options.php but also the file itself.

Now its working!

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 Page not found - what do do?
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