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What about Internet Time?

Author PeKa
#1 · Posted: 4 Sep 2002 18:08
Hey, there!
I've got a suggestion for 1.4

When using a board on any website, it's likely for people in other countries to see your board. So what about implementing the swatch internet time to the posting time?

The internet time is an easy way to get around the problem with timezones - there's only one internet time.

A typical internet time looks like: @522

It would be nice to see not only the server's time, but also the internet time, I think.

If that would be possible as plugin - just do it : )

Author 4days
#2 · Posted: 5 Sep 2002 01:09
...How is this possible? We are not just creating a new way of measuring time, we are also creating a new meridian in Biel, Switzerland, home of Swatch.

so we all work on swiss time? :)

seriously though, beattime is really handy for arranging stuff online.

the date function can do internet time. either as formatting or it'll return it for the server if no parameter's given.


$beattime = date("B");
echo $beattime;

so something that hacked the output of bb_functions.php/convert_date could do it.

a few folks have mentioned altering the time that minibb displays.

if it's okay with the team, could put the hack from a while ago into a solution to alter the outputted time.

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 5 Sep 2002 10:19
It's ok with the Team :)
Guess, it's only specific option, and we will not include it in official release. Personally I can not understand what the @855 means, for example, etc. I don't pay attention to the posting time anyway, but including "internet" time will do even more mysticism.

Author PeKa
#4 · Posted: 5 Sep 2002 11:55
Yes, it's technically swiss time, it's just meant to be one time for all time zones but you have to use one to refer to, of course.

@855 means, one beat out of 1000 each day.

The intention behind internet time is:
You can tell a friend "Hey, let's meet @200 in the chat" and everybody will be there - no zimezone struggle anymore.

The benefit for the board is, you have one overall time to relate to. You don't have to care where the server is or whatever timezone it has. Internet time is the same all over the world.

If you're a little bit into internet time, you can pretty fast relate to how it's meant.

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 What about Internet Time?
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