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Private Messages - "Ignore" or "Block Users" feature

Author Danny2000
#1 · Posted: 22 Aug 2007 00:16
The pm add-on works well but I think it could be better with adding ignore option for users.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 22 Aug 2007 04:01
It's a very big option and we're not ready to implement it without huge investment right now. If you would like to be a sponsore - you're welcome ;-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 22 Aug 2007 11:41
The pm add-on works well but I think it could be better with adding ignore option for users.
I was also thinking about it but it seems the database would have to become considerably bigger then. I think at least 2 fields should then be added (usernames to block and the comments for reasons for blocking). Plus new pages like list of blocked users. Also, the user may still open a new account and keep sending PM messages until blocked again.

So it's like with deleting spam that appears from time to time - there's no turn-key solution other than patient deleting it.. For a very social website it would still make good sense though, but not for all.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 22 Aug 2007 14:25
I would skip comments (what for?..) and add user IDs for that (so for example in the message user has "Ignore" link and clicking on it he just adds the sender to the blocked list; there is also an option to view such list and remove users from it, right). The database would have one additional and not so heavy table then. The most difficult task is to implement the same for flat-files version.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#5 · Posted: 22 Aug 2007 15:57
blocked_users.php and the script to check if the user exists at receiving, perhaps?

And a language variable:

$l_userBlocked='You are not allowed to send messages to this user.'


Excuse me, but I'm still with 1.4, so I don't know if 2.0.2 has a "Saved Messages" folder and the respective function?

I'll upgrade soon, I promise, but am curious :)))

Author tom322
Active Member
#6 · Posted: 22 Aug 2007 16:05
Yes, I don't see much problems with developing it for mysql method at least. So I'm for it :).

Author lee
#7 · Posted: 25 Aug 2007 15:06
vbulleting and phpbb have member private mail blocking possible. other small one have it. why minibb does not have?? wheere i can download it??

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 27 Aug 2007 12:47
vbulleting and phpbb have member private mail blocking possible

This sounds strange... vBulletin has huge budget and investments and they have team of programmers which consists not from the one person like me, who is developing and supporting this add-on for a food money. If you would like to go to the bugs and whistles bushes of phpBB, which is coded by everybody who thinks he's a coder, you are welcome as well.

What "other small" do you mean? Show me the exact examples, else it has no meaning.

What we have for miniBB is: if you would like something to see, you are welcomed to invest a bit and pay for my work. In most cases this "feature" like blocking emails doesn't mean a lot for most of the sites, that's why I don't see many sense in adding new bugs to the program which works stable, because it is selling OK also without this addition.

However I think I will implement this request soon, since I already got contacted by a person who would like to see this feature on his forums. I think this is what I could call a "real business offer". In opposite to yours, which sounds more like wining thus without "giving to get" knowledge.

And finally... where do you want to download - WHAT?

Author lee
#9 · Posted: 28 Aug 2007 11:52
i mean i wanted to downlod pm feature that with member block posibility, but it's not free

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#10 · Posted: 28 Aug 2007 11:57
Blocking possibility is still not even available in the premium add-on. It will be developed this week I hope.

Of course it's not free, it's a premium add-on we're selling to support the free version of the generic software.

What have you expected? Everybody who really needs PM feature is purchased the add-on long time ago. 20 bucks is the 2 breakfasts price in Europe. Do you think it's too much? We're always opened for negotiations.

Author lee
#11 · Posted: 28 Aug 2007 12:07
sorry it is good price i should buy it when it has all fatures you say

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 Private Messages - "Ignore" or "Block Users" feature
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