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Message Ratings add-on

Author astass
#1 · Posted: 20 Jun 2010 02:18
Need addon Comment Rating but without stars, better as a screen. Any ideas how to implement?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 21 Jun 2010 02:58
We don't have such add-on, but here we have something related.

All I could say - if you handle all pros and cons of this add-on, it's quite long in development.

Author astass
#3 · Posted: 21 Jun 2010 06:03
We don't have such add-on, but here we have something related.
Thank you. The idea is just true, is it operational?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 21 Jun 2010 06:27
You must know already what would I reply. I will not add it to miniBB, if nobody pays out for this job.

I'm not fan of this idea. I don't see much sense of ratings certain posts instead of topics in whole. It would be useful only for "How-To" or similar support boards where you could choose a proper answer right away. But this is not about forums. On forums, the whole topic, with all participants, could make sense.

Also imagine the thread with thousands of replies. How would you rate just one of them? What would you need such feature for there?

It's just for 3-4 replies or comments thing... not a global one.

Author astass
#5 · Posted: 21 Jun 2010 07:36
You must know already what would I reply. I will not add it to miniBB, if nobody pays out for this job.
You have convinced me ...

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 Message Ratings add-on
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