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Author MKJ
#1 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 07:31

Managed to install the forum on a new site I am constructing for my runnign club. Even managed to incorporate it with all the menus showing by altering the main header file. Looking forward to putting all the forums on. One or 2 issues to solve though nothing too awkward.

Is there a calendar mod available or if not is there a good calendar that anyone knows of?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 09:49
Calendar mod is not available.

You may search for tons of scripts on

Author MKJ
#3 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 17:52

I have located and installed a very good one - C A L E N D A R I X. Free too and has all the features I need I think.

Author Thumann
#4 · Posted: 12 Oct 2005 17:33
Yo.. not really a suggestion..
more like a.. i-dont-know-much-about-php-coding-but-i'll-spend-a-little-cash-on-it :)

We need:

Calendar where you can add an event with a description.
Logged in users can click on the envet, and click confirm/maybe/no to the event..

and you should be able to show the attending users on the event when clicked..

Anyone up for it?

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 12 Oct 2005 18:21
Depends on your budget ;)

Author Thumann
#6 · Posted: 12 Oct 2005 19:21
Naturally :)

But my budget has it's limits.. since this isn't anything we're making money on..

It's strictly for our Word Of Warcraft Guild (nerdy i know)


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