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Allowing a user to delete him-/herself

Author otto
#1 · Posted: 26 Aug 2003 05:37
I would wish that a user himself had the possibility not only to change his preferences but also completely to delete his registration.

Here at MiniBB I discovered that I could not change my emailadress. Why? Because I had another registration -which I had forgotten - with the email adress that I wanted now. I had to change the email adress of this forgotten "account" to something not existing. I would prefere just totaly to delete it.

There could also be other reasons.
1. A user could suddently get paranoia about having his adress out there. 2. I as administrator don't like the possibility maybe one day to have lots of registred users who are non existing.

Not big problems, but.. :-)

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 26 Aug 2003 11:14
We thought about that at the very beginning. The problem is that with deleting user's registration you need also to update all his posts as "Anonymous", if there were posts. Also to delete all subscriptions.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 12 Jan 2004 02:17
otto has a point, though. new regulations are in place here in the EEC that address privacy issues. people must have the option to opt out and have all their details deleted.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 12 Jan 2004 10:13
There is a simpliest solution here... CONTACT FORUMS ADMINISTRATOR about that!

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 Allowing a user to delete him-/herself
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