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special characters in username

Author hamburg53
#1 · Posted: 16 May 2019 21:35

just set up a very new forum, and allowed to register by german special character as: $userRegName='_A-Za-z0-9 äÄéöÖüÜß-';

That works for the username when they login with special character in the name and all names are well displayed. Only the notification mail (email_user_register_ger) does display the ISO-Code which is confusing for the user. Where can I change anything to get the original special characters into the username of the notification mail ?


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 16 May 2019 21:53
So - have you set up your forums in UTF-8 or they are still in "iso-8859-1"?

We would definitely recommend to set up them in UTF-8 for German language. Despite the German language pack is available in ISO only by now, we couldn't change it a lot, 'cause German chars are not available on our country. But you could do it easily, converting the language pack and all templates supplied in the current language pack, to UTF-8 (for example, using Notepad2 or another simple editor).

If you still would like to run the forums in ISO, then at first you could try to modify templates/email_admin_userregister_ger.txt and maybe you'd need just to change a few characters there which your server might interpret improperly.

Second, make an attempt to modify the $emailCharset option (described in the Manual - remove commenting slashes to enable it), trying to set a proper email encoding which should be passed to the "charset" header while emailing. Example:


Author hamburg53
#3 · Posted: 21 May 2019 14:14
Now all is in utf-8 and seems to work ;)


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 21 May 2019 14:45
If you could re-submit to us the fixed German language packs in UTF-8, that would be great! :)

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 special characters in username
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