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Signature - HTML stopped working

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Author Steve Shaw
#1 | Posted: 6 Jul 2013 15:06
Sorry for the flood of dumb questions... I really am loving Minibb, but some things I am struggling with.

I added the 'Signature' option, and set it to allow HTML code, and that worked.
But all of a sudden it has reverted to partial plain text.
Line breaks work, but other HTML doesn't - links, images...

I have tried un-installing the plugin, but that hasn't helped.

I had changed the type of the text field in database, which holds the signature, from 'varchar' to 'text' via phpMyAsmin, and wondered if that was the problem - but changing it back hasn't helped.

This time I really am stuck!


Author Steve Shaw
#2 | Posted: 6 Jul 2013 15:48
ok - this is weird...
Initially standard html worked.

But now link name works for links, but [img = http : //xxxx.jpg ]image name[ /img ] will not work for images...

I'm very confused!

Author Steve Shaw
#3 | Posted: 6 Jul 2013 18:21
Ok - everything has randomly stopped working again...
No HTML code works.

I've obviously done something wrong, but I just can't work it out!


Author Steve Shaw
#4 | Posted: 6 Jul 2013 18:26
Mmmmm - when I look at the code in the database field the various characters are being changed into HTML special characters - so < becomes &lt;, etc.

Does that help?

Author Steve Shaw
#5 | Posted: 6 Jul 2013 19:56
Ah - if I change the avatar (I have that plug-in running too) it seem to break a signature that was working...
It made the previous correct code as seen in phpMyAdmin change to character codes, as I reported above.

Mmmm - I'm now looking into that further!


Ok, changing the avatar is not associated, it the fact you are editing the 'profile'.
That causes the signature HTML code to get translated into 'special character' code within the database...

Author Steve Shaw
#6 | Posted: 7 Jul 2013 12:12
I've tried to test signatures in the 'Demo Minibb' but I need the posts to be authorised...


Need to check this is a problem of my making, not a bug...

Author Steve Shaw
#7 | Posted: 7 Jul 2013 12:32
If I type into the signature filed: < img src="" > (without the spaces)

In the the database filed I get: &lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;

I have double, triple, quadruple checked the plug-in implementation - I can't see a problem :o(

I'm starting to go mad here!!!

Author tom322
Active Member
#8 | Posted: 7 Jul 2013 14:38
Database saves it correctly. There is separate encoding for signatures, you may check that. Also, test signatures for users with more than 10 posts (or whatever you have set to allow creating clickable links).

Ps. as I remember, you must use BB encoding in signatures too. You cannot enter:

<img src="" />

For a clickable link, try:



[img ][/img]

Author Steve Shaw
#9 | Posted: 7 Jul 2013 14:43
All members have to be so all can post links (we use pre-moderation as well) and so we allow all users to post links.

I have looked at the encoding code, but I'm not that good at php.. ;-(

Author tom322
Active Member
#10 | Posted: 7 Jul 2013 14:44
Check my edit above.

Author Steve Shaw
#11 | Posted: 7 Jul 2013 14:48
That seesm to work, and then not work.. and then normal HTML works, but then doesn't...

I must have done something incorrectly!!!


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#12 | Posted: 8 Jul 2013 14:47
Steve Shaw:
I must have done something incorrectly!!!
Definitely ;)
Actually, I didn't understand what have you tried to implement with all that above.

Author Steve Shaw
#13 | Posted: 9 Jul 2013 12:08
Let me look at the problem again - and get back to you with better information.
However, I think bb code is now working correctly!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#14 | Posted: 9 Jul 2013 14:45
BB code and HTML are actually very different things.
You should be more careful with your statements (so we could also understand them ;).

Author Steve Shaw
#15 | Posted: 9 Jul 2013 15:44
Yeah - as I said, I am a dunce at this - hopefully learning though, with your excellent support!


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 Signature - HTML stopped working
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