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The script doesn't register a simple username

Author cleargoal
#1 · Posted: 27 Feb 2013 12:46
Hi, Paul and Team!

to communicate in English is not simple for me, so ... I'll try.
I have BaBe 3.0 installed, and when I tried to register one user (not admin) the script not allowed it. Error message is: 'Sorry! Username must contain only latin letters (a-z and A-Z), numbers (0-9), spaces and underscores, being from 5 to 20...
However, 'user name' I entered is correct - 9 Latin symbols and not in list $disallowNames nor $disallowNamesIndex - 'zazuliman'.
So, what is problem?

I tried to locate it. A research was directed me to file 'bb_func_checkusr.php' to line 20:
if($r = substr_count(strtolower(${$dbUserSheme['username'][1]}),strtolower($dn))>0) {$correct=1; break;}

an array element $dbUserSheme['username'][1]
points to DB field name, but $dbUserSheme['username'][2]
(index =2=) points to form field. When I changed index in source code of researched line and the same value in line 25 - registration become functioning at least.

So, is it correct change I made or the root of problem there is in another place?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 27 Feb 2013 12:58
It's not a proper change. You should not edit core scripts at all. They work for years already.

In this script, fields necessary for parsing are re-associated under bb_func_usrdat.php. You don't have to mess the indexes to get the script to work properly. Most likely, exactly because of some of your "undocumented" changes it doesn't work.

As for your case, at first, regarding one of our rules, before coming up with the "problem", try to repeat it on demo forum or at least this forum. If it can't be repeated - we can't say what's wrong on your end. I've tried to register the username you've mentioned, and of course it worked, because it doesn't contain anything specific.

Regarding the error you've got, it may be related to the minimum/maximum length you've set under $uname_minlength/$uname_maxlength; may be other reason?... if you know how to edit the code, I suppose you also know how to debug it - only this would help to determine where this error comes from...

Author cleargoal
#3 · Posted: 27 Feb 2013 14:30
dear Paul,
OK, Thanks!
I restored code as it was native and tried to register some user name again and 'O! wonderful' it proceeded.
Sorry for corrupting of your Babe. I'll never do it again!

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 The script doesn't register a simple username
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