Ok, this is strange. The minibb_pmessages_blocked table wasn't created during installation but the others were. So, I used the code in pmail.sql to create the table. Still getting the error I noticed in the options file that $Tpmb='minibb_pmessages_blocked'; was missing. I added that line and got rid of the error. But another error shows up now.
Unknown column 'blockedtotal' in 'field list'. Please, try another name or value.
It blocks the user but shows this message after. My order number was [verified]. Why did my version leave out that table and the code in the options file? How do I get rid of the new error message? I found out what table it was calling for in addon_pmail.php
if($pmMysql){ $blocked_date='now()'; insertArray(array('user_id', 'blocked_id', 'blocked_date', 'blocked_reason'), $Tpmb); $blockedtotal=$currCount+1; updateArray(array('blockedtotal'), $Tpmt, 'user_id', $user_id); } |