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Author ariari
#1 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 01:22
At the begining - Hi ! to everyone ....I ` ve been working on fitting minibb_forum to my own template for 3 weeks .And it`s working fine so I am - as someone who never had anything in common with php and sql - proud of it. But - probably it is my fault - I `m facing a few problems. Be so kind to read about them - maybe some of you advise a solution ...
FIRST one : when I try to POST A NEW MESSAGE the result is : Message is being sent and written in to a thread but I am being redirected to the empty page - there is completely nothing on it beside my own template details ( action ending with - myphpindex.php? ). To come back to the forum and to read what I sent a moment ago I have to return to the previus page and refresh it.
SECOND one : when I try to POST A NEW TOPIC the result is : Message ( topic and its content ) is not neing sent to anywhere and I am being redirected to the main forum site ( with some RECENT TOPICS )
THIRD one :When I try to delete a message from the forum - I press a "delete" link from a list above the message ( Reply Quote Edit Delete Move ) - message is being deleted but again I am being redirected to the empty page ( with ending in an address - .
myphpindex.php?forum=1&topic=1&action=delmsg&page=1&post=11&csrfchk=28d50998a7b69c0e4c9f )
FOURTH one : when I try to log in ( as an Admin ) - starting working with forum - I was being redirected to the Disclaimer. I hade to tick a box " accepted' and then after pressing "continue" - again black site appeared on the screen. I ommited that by deleting a "tick" box under the Disclaimer and now I am being redirected to the main forum page ( Recent Topics and the list of forums)..

Have no idea whether it is enough information for you to give some advice but...I hope it is. Is anything in code of the specific files ( like e.g. main_topics or so ) I could change to bring all to life ?.....I made some changes to replace some colors or dimensions to fit my template requirements and it was really hard work for me to recognise which file should I open ...But problems mentioned above seem to be "unsolveable" for me....
And the last ( I hope ) problem : I have a separate login/register mechanism in my template ( aside of forum ) . It is nonsense. Forum register/login system is fine enough and I would like to connect that two systems into one. Is it "doable" ? ...Thanks for your patience and be understanding when answering :) ...greetings !!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 17:15
It is very difficult to give a precise advice, because it all appears some misconfiguration or the wrong customization on your end, which you are responsible for. You may start just from the default, non-customized miniBB and check all this gradually, if it will work in default version - you will need to re-check the changes you've applied one by one.

Empty pages may be a result of some error occuring during execution, but you do not see it on the screen because you may have error_reporting = NONE or something similar in php.ini. You need to set it to E_ALL to see all erors on the screen, which may give you paths to solving the proble(s).

I am not sure how you did "fitting" of forums pages to your layout; basically all files you have to modify are templates/main_header.html , templates/main_footer.html and bb_default_style.css. If you go beyond of that, your experience may not be just enough for doing more complicated thing.

As about synchronizing membership, with miniBB it's quite possible and I did it numerous times for different systems; but this is for sure the work for educated coder and not for newbies:

miniBB Forum Integration into 3rd party membership / login authorization system

Author ariari
#3 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 18:52
Thank you Paul...I am just testing forum with no modification ( no my template, complete new folder , the same sql base - just clear yours one + path to my new folder) ...I can read everything what was done by administrator of the previous changed version ( fitted earlier to my template requirements ) - it is normal because I use the same mysql base and table . But I can not register as a new user - is it possible that the cause lies in IP ? ( one IP = one registered user ? ) ....

Working two ways ( testing oryginal forum and modified) I found that after I activated $metaLocation="go" the problem with POST MESSAGE and DELETE MESSAGE ( mentioned in the first post) disapeared....Great !!...But the rest still remain ( EDIT message - does not work as well ) ...

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 19:09
There is no limitations by IP address for registrations in default version. What kind of error do you see on the screen, if you can not register?

What kind of server is on your end?

Author ariari
#5 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 20:08
in both cases ( modyfied and not modified version) it was as following :
1. I press "register " at the top menu
2. a page with disclaimer and tick box ( I agree) appears
4. I tick a box ( I agree) and "continue"
4. the result is : I am landing on a page with Recent Topics ( after a command - in the address - ending with : .../index.php?)

That what I remember - when I was working with a previous version ( not in number, I mean - a content ) .before I downoladed the extended version ( with disclaimer ) such the problems did not exist. It started happening after I implemented a version with some addons ....

the sever ?... hm.. I have no idea what kind it is.......a normal hosting server customized to keep on-line shops and websites at all...when installing minibb I got a note that averything about server was perfect ....

( additional information : maybe it sounds strange a bit but I found that some things happen kind of "alone..themselves "..e.g. I made a correction with ( [imgs]caption[/imgs} code ( something did not work ) and I corrected a fault . But after a few hours everything came to the starting point and that what I changed stopped working ... Magic or what ?no idea ...

Author ariari
#6 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 20:16
One small correction to above
I am landing on a "Recent Topics" page when warking with not modified version
When I start registering on my-template site it goes like this :
-I press "register"
- a disclaimer appears ( page with address ending with "..indexfor.php?action=registernew"
- I tick a box ( I agree) then press continue and
- nothing happens ( it looks as if a button "Continue" did nothing)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#7 | Posted: 17 Sep 2014 23:04
Disclaimer is not about the default version. It's not included by default, so it very depends if it has been properly installed or not. I am not sure what do you mean by "extended version".

Servers could differ. Apache, nginx, IIS and so on, each has different approaches in handling redirections. "A normal hosting server" is not an answer to my question.

There can't magic in coding area. Everything has an explanation. The point you are not experienced, tells you there is kind of magic, at the time there is not. I am just not sure what you are doing and how you tie up the things, it appears each of your question just comes from different areas which are not related.

Author ariari
#8 | Posted: 18 Sep 2014 01:57
:)...I touch different areas so no wonder.
default verion ( in your meaning , in mine it is - basic ) had no disclaimer..that is true..I tested it and after a while I downloaded an extended version with some extra features ( with disclaimer among them ) .And that is what I call - "extended version"...( it seemed clear enough to me when I wrote in the last post .."before I downoladed the extended version ( with disclaimer )..."....Work in progress :)...I repaired problems with "Delete Message", "Post Message" and "Post new Topic". Stil remains a question of "continue" function ( under desclaimer) ....I

All the problems were by my side - it reffered to my own probably "continue " fault is of the same nature...Anyway ! , Paul, - thank you for your kind assistance..

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#9 | Posted: 18 Sep 2014 16:28
downloaded an extended version
So where and how did you download it? We do not offer any kind of static "extended" version to download.

I suppose, your server just doesn't support "Refresh" header. Disclaimer sets one cookie, identifying its acceptation. In some cases cookie's header may conflict with the other headers sent. That's why I asked you about your server (which I still have no ideas about).

You may try to modify Disclaimer's code in bb_plugins.php and change the line which says
header("Refresh: 0; url={$indexphp}action={$action}");

or directly, to

Let me know if it helped.

Author ariari
#10 | Posted: 19 Sep 2014 03:29
Paul..Thank you very much for you help..indeed. I decided like that : - because I am not strong enough in php I gave up pretending a master ..hehehehehehehehehe...I came back to the default version , made a change in my template and now everything is working perfectly !!!...Uffff!...I really like your miniBB forum so I will not try anything else ...I will wait a while , will accustom to that version and then I will try to modify it...not eaerlier ....I will let you know when I finish..Thanks a lot !!!...

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