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No mobile site is shown anymore

Author Rider
#1 · Posted: 9 Oct 2017 21:03
Hi, it's been a while!

We've been running the mobile forum for 2 years now with success. But since yesterday, when a mobile visitor visits, he will only see the full-size forum at And on top of that, when he clicks on "Mobile version" in the top menu bar, he is even taken up one level to Very strange.

Yesterday I upgraded the webserver of the www-domain from PHP 5.3.29 to 5.4.45. As far as I remember that's the only thing I changed. The m-domain has been on 5.1.x all the time. Tonight I upgraded it to 5.4.45 as well but without luck. Tonight I also replaced a code snippet in setup_options.php as suggested in the readme of the mobile package but without luck.

Any clues on what's going on here? Can the PHP upgrade have caused that I can't reach the mobile forum anymore?

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 10 Oct 2017 03:31
Did you check in another browser? The old may be cached..

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 10 Oct 2017 11:26
PHP upgrade definitely is not related to the problem you have. At first, make sure that when you type it opens the forum (full or mobile version). Then follow all guides to re-install or fix the mobile add-on from scratch, as something wrong happened with your setup_options.php file in general.

Author Rider
#4 · Posted: 10 Oct 2017 23:03
I just found out that when I type (so including the index filename) in the address bar I am brought correctly to the mobile forum. That's funny. I am still thinking there must be some server side problem going on here. I'll try to look into that first and if no luck then I'll reinstall the mobile forum as you advice. Thanks.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 11 Oct 2017 09:56
Depending on your server, you need to check what's defined in its config regarding the website index, for example, in Apache it's about DirectoryIndex option, which could be changed either in httpd.conf either in the local .htaccess file for your website. It's quite possible that .htaccess was being reset after PHP upgrade. You will need to add index.php to that option if it's not present.

Author Rider
#6 · Posted: 16 Oct 2017 23:04
Thanks Paul and Tom, my problem is solved. It had indeed something to do with the order of the index files, as stated in the Apache properties. Besides the index.php there appeared to be an index.html file in the same directory (which I never noticed before), which was addressed first, before index.php, that way causing my problem. Why it díd work properly before I did the PHP server upgrade is probably because the order of the index files was set to php above html before the upgrade, but of course I can't confirm that anymore.
Anyways, this problem has taken me too much time, now let's continue doing fun stuff.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#7 · Posted: 17 Oct 2017 11:25
Thanks for your report! Good to know you solved your problem and it wasn't related to miniBB ;)

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 No mobile site is shown anymore
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