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More that one installation of minibb running on a website

Author noodledo
#1 · Posted: 23 Apr 2010 07:41

I'd like to run two copies of minibb on my website.

Possibly two private users forums. A user could be allowed to access one or the other, my problem is minibb doesn't allow me this.

I look at the "synchronizing with existing membership" document to see how to integrate and see you use two session variables to decide if the user is logged in.

$_SESSION['auth'] and $_SESSION['ID']

I set these when the user logs in, but I'd like to be-able to set these on a per forum basis.

Would it be possible to have a new global variable in setup_options.php to specify what session this forum relates to. i.e. the forum name.

$forumname = 'mini1-'; (defaults to '' for backwards compatibility)

So I could have the two user registered only forums running with different permissions for the users, such as

$_SESSION['minibb1-auth'] and $_SESSION['minibb1-ID']
$_SESSION['minibb2-auth'] and $_SESSION['minibb2-ID']


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 23 Apr 2010 13:05
In this thread you will find some answers how to run multiple instances of miniBB with the same membership:

Multiple boards per website?

It's all possible, but requires some knowledge of how miniBB works, and also good understanding of how to achieve the same in general, with the other software. We are providing only paid support regarding such installations, because each case is individual, and some professional coding may be involved.

Those examples given in synchronizing miniBB article, are only very simple examples without practical meaning. They do not mean you should synchronize miniBB exactly the mentioned way. Use your own methods and approaches.

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 More that one installation of minibb running on a website
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