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Looking for Threaded mode view!

Author Benny
#1 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:08
The System is amazing just need this tiny mode! any one??

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:47
Tiny mode? Threaded mode?
What do you mean?

Author Benny
#3 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 10:38
I mean Threaded mode view u never saw it before?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 11:32
Well, you have created a topic title about Threaded mode view, but the message says about some "tiny mode".

I suppose, threaded view and tiny mode are different things.

So what you would like to know about? What do you mean under "Threaded view"?

Author Benny
#5 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 12:19
Like DCForum was or go mybboard and see topic and change it to threaded mode u will understand what it is.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 1 Jul 2011 06:30
Ok, if you mean something like this (like it's present on IMDb by default):

Threaded View

then miniBB stands for a mini-board where only the most popular and the most comfortable to read presentation of messages is given.

I'm not quite sure why do you call this mode a "tiny" mode?

How could you describe it's comfortable in use?

For me it's quite a big time to click on each message to see what it is about, if all messages almost always behave on the same subject. When all messages are scrolled from top to the bottom, it's a native comfortable reading.

Author Benny
#7 · Posted: 1 Jul 2011 07:22
you miss understand me. i called it "Threaded mode" View.
Well , so there is not such mode like this? :(

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 1 Jul 2011 08:26
There is no such mode in miniBB. I've written above, why.

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 Looking for Threaded mode view!
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