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how to show a link to a picked few members?

Author DJCMBear
#1 · Posted: 28 Jan 2009 18:03
i hope this dosent conflict with the rules but i was wondering if there was a way to show a link on the front page after a user has logged in. What i have done is added numbers in to the users table under "user_custom2" so that i can pick which users see the link like if users with the number "1" in the "user_custom2" part of the table that they would see the link and users with a "0" wouldnt see the link. and i no its not a addon from this site but i just want to know if thres a code out there that could do it and im not asking for that code but if anyone sends a code to help, if not please let me know if there is a code somewhere that could help, and also if anyone could tell me if theres a way to have 3 numbers such as 1, 2 and 3 with both 1 and 2 seeing the link and 3 seeing no link at all.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 29 Jan 2009 02:22
You need to modify bb_cookie.php following the same algorithm as I mentioned here (but it's not the same code).

Regarding all other questions you may ask - I suppose they all are related to your project and to your own wishes only and not related to our software in general, but whatever I could answer immediately: everything is possible. It only depends on your budget and how much you are going to invest in it, paying for the programmers work.

Our software comes free and it's open source, but that doesn't somebody should supply free solutions for you, or even search the web for you. Do it yourself or hire professionals.

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 how to show a link to a picked few members?
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