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How I added a side menu to the forum.

Author MKJ
#1 · Posted: 13 Dec 2006 08:46
This wasn't at all hard infact. At the moment I had to get the site up and running quickly so I have used an iframe - or iframes in my case - to incorporate a left side menu (and top bar). The iframes will be dropped soon and an Ajax div solution tried. I think it will work. The way I have added the side menu is like this:

1. I added iframe code to the main_header.html. Simply view my main_header.html file and view source to see the additional code.

2. The 2nd iframe is being fed with a sliding menu code page here: Sliding Code Page. View source again. The page also has the code for a very handy Spellchecker which will work from the Sliding Code Page.

3. Closed the table by placing extra code right at the bottom of the main_footer.html.

4. I have also included the Latest Forum Post display in the lower iframe. I prefer to keep the 2 seperate for now but the code for this could be placed into the Sliding Code Page.

Dead easy really and simple to customize. The way I have carried this out will alter very soon but the links above should still show how I have done this. If you want to see how it looks then take a look here:

Edit Update: I have now added the sliding menu code into the addon_1stpagenews2.php file (part of First page news 2 plugin) with a simple include command pulling in the slidingmenu.htm file and have dropped one of the iframes.

Regards - Mark

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 13 Dec 2006 10:23
Do not post direct URLs anymore please. Clearing forums, we have noticed, that many posts you've done, contain broken URLs. We are not interested to keep broken links on our forums.

If you want to provide a solution, you can use our file storage ("upload file" button) and upload all necessary files/screenshots here.

In general, your task seems very custom and I do not really understand why it is implemented this way. AJAX? iframes? Do not forget we're having very simple things here. Plain HTML is enough in most cases; including yours.

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 How I added a side menu to the forum.
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