I have a coded a web system the enables users to upload multple pictures of themselves. image locations are stored in a separate table called "Galleries". Each image belongs to a particular user in the "Users" table. the users can choose one particular image as their default image on my system.
how do i get miniBB to use my users default image!?
Below is what i tried. I moified the bb_func_vthread.php around line 199. it shows the correct image....but it doesnt loop through all the Posts!!
if ($cols[0]!=0) { $cc=$cols[0]; if (isset($userRanks[$cc])) $ins=$userRanks[$cc]; elseif (isset($mods[$forum]) and is_array($mods[$forum]) and in_array($cc,$mods[$forum])) $ins=$l_moderator; else { $ins=($cc==1?$l_admin:$l_member); } if(!defined('NOFOLLOW')) $nof=' rel="nofollow"'; else $nof=''; $viewReg="<a href=\"../user.php?id={$cc}\"{$nof}>$ins</a>"; } else $viewReg='';
$userImage = db_simpleSelect(0, 'galleries', '*', 'user_id', '=', '{cc}', '', '', 'main', '=', '1'); $posterName="<img src=\"../store/ports/thumbs/$userImage[7]\" /><br />$cols[1]</a>"; //.'<br />;
help |