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Why my miniBB forum is not searched friendly on Google?

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 24 Mar 2006 00:16
I used minibb forum to run a forum for about 2 weeks, I have about 40 posts..... but when I search on google for any forum topic, I never see my forum indexed. Can any one take a look at my forum to see if I do anything wrong? I mean, they aare static pages. Why not getting indexed by google for forum topic?

[URL removed]

Big thanks.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 24 Mar 2006 00:37
Do you see Googlebot in your server access logs at all?
- mb

Author tom322
#3 · Posted: 24 Mar 2006 06:48
It's simple - get inbound links to your site and wait not 2 weeks but most likely 4-6 weeks before your site appears in google.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 24 Mar 2006 11:17
As I see, Your site is not cached by Google at all (type or any other URL to see either it's cached). As Tom mentioned, it could take months until Google finds your page and start to index it.

miniBB is not helping Google to find and index the page, and basically there is no software which could do that. It just contains the code which could be indexed faster and proper than other software's codes, so it is "Google-friendly". It depends only on you as the site owner how successful your promotion campaign will be relatively to Google or any other kind of search engine. There are a lot of tricks regarding this, and miniBB is not a tool, it's a content holder.

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 Why my miniBB forum is not searched friendly on Google?
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