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What to do, if on a Registration form you're asked to confirm your email or password

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 1 Mar 2023 16:38
That's pretty simple: you should type in the same value in the Confirm field, as you already provided in the above field.

You don't have to confirm it that way:

Yeah that's my email!

In the future releases of miniBB, on the Registration form the Password confirmation option will not be offered anymore. Instead, an unmasking/revealing option will be offered, which should bring less frustration and prevent any errors.

The Password revealing option will be available since the upcoming miniBB release 3.6, and it's already available to check out on this forum. This option is currently present in 5 places and will use the common JavaScript function to unmask the password:

* Login fields on the front page
* Login fields below the posting form on each of the Topic pages
* The Admin login area
* Registration/Profile form
* For the Private forums — on the initial common login form to all forums.

As many debates and research studies shown, repeating/confirming email or password would lower the form's conversion rate. In most often cases, these values are copied/pasted anyway, that's why it wasn't clear initially of why they are needed.

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 What to do, if on a Registration form you're asked to confirm your email or password
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