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Question about bulk purchases ...

Author astass
#1 · Posted: 17 Mar 2010 10:10
Mr. Paul, I have a question, is it possible to get all addons premium discount?
Do not think that I squirt. On the contrary, I like your work. A trade discount is now widespread. Here on this and ask.

P.S. Yes, more please ... You talked about the fact that writing a lot of addons. If possible, make a list of what you have done. (of course without the support)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 17 Mar 2010 12:46
We don't provide discounts on compiled packages anymore. In ancient times, we did so, because it required a lot of time to compile them all together and that would mean a lot of manual work and custom communication, which we could hold. Currently, when we have an auto-compiling feature, no manual work is required anymore, and we have no resources for custom communications at this stage. You can purchase add-ons and automatically embed them into the custom package you want, using the Compiler, without even contacting us.

Regarding custom add-ons I have programmed - I am only supporting custom installation and support for them, knowing customer's website and closely communicating with the customer. This is another kind of premium support, a top level, and it's not available for everybody ;-) It would be too busy for me to provide a generic support for these add-ons, but anyway, here follows the list:

"Big Brother" - an advanced admin tool allowing to see what kind of action each user completes on forum within 24 hours (what kind of topics he viewed, search terms executed, messages edited, private messages sent and so on - almost each and every miniBB action is logged)

Calendar - an external script to hold and display custom events

Contact Us form - the same as we use on miniBB website

"Karma" - handling user profile ratings at their messages level

Massive Locking of Topics - admin's function which would allow to close all topics meeting a certain date criteria

PayPal integration - allows to collect credits balance for certain user, and use these credits for allowing various forum operations

Previous/Next topic navigation - the same as you can see on our demo test

Profile viewers - the list of users who visited certain member's profile

Profiles rating - 1-5 stars ratings for profiles

Topic rating - 1-5 stars ratings for topics

Search log - logs all forum search criterias and users into an external .csv file

Self-delete - allows forum members to delete their profiles on their own (allowed to admin only in default version)

Sitemaps - generates Google- and Yahoo- compatible sitemaps basing on forums content

Skin Chooser - at the profile level, users may choose different skin for the forums; still it requires a lot of custom work on skins; incl. skins usage statistics

Smart Link - SEO add-on which parses internal website URLs entered in the message, analyzing web page titles of those URLs, and substituting titles over an URL in the message automatically (it's in demo rotation on miniBB forums now)

Super Sticky Topic - allows to make certain topics "super-sticky", i.e. they would appear over the Recent Topics listing, too

Tell-a-friend - the script which allows to "tell a friend" about the forum, providing up to 10 email addresses at once, and that way it would allow to invite new people to forums; it also could be combined with Invitations add-on, which allows to collect points for new registrations (i.e. so called "referrals" system)

Translit to Cyrillic - a JavaScript-code addition to posting form, which allows to convert "crazy russian" text into a Cyrillic one


may be there are some other which I don't remember about for now ;-)

Author astass
#3 · Posted: 17 Mar 2010 14:39
Profiles rating - 1-5 stars ratings for profiles

Topic rating - 1-5 stars ratings for topics
"Karma" - handling user profile ratings at their messages level
Those intrigued ... If you can price?
While arguing for your platform on one resource ...

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 18 Mar 2010 04:25
$30 each with installation, since I don't have installation instructions for those packages.

Author Rock
#5 · Posted: 21 Mar 2010 20:41
"Karma" - handling user profile ratings at their messages level
Skin Chooser - at the profile level, users may choose different skin for the forums; still it requires a lot of custom work on skins; incl. skins usage statistics
I think I would take these ones)
Is price the same? (30$ - each)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 22 Mar 2010 04:11
Yes, that is the price, and I am installing these add-ons only personally, knowing the website they will be run on.

Author Prince
#7 · Posted: 3 Oct 2011 19:35
"Big Brother" - an advanced admin tool allowing to see what kind of action each user completes on forum within 24 hours (what kind of topics he viewed, search terms executed, messages edited, private messages sent and so on - almost each and every miniBB action is logged)
I've emailed you this one, I need this one if Possible Mr.Paul :)


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 3 Oct 2011 20:04
I've got your email earlier.

Regarding this add-on, I think there's no secret information, that's why I may disclosure it here. This add-on so far was exclusively developed and tested only for one forum. It's not a big forum, just about 30-40 visitors at a time. I never tested it on big forums like yours :) So it will need the additional development and here only your good offer could make sense. I'm a bit overbusied with the other things now, and there could be a lot of custom work and testing involved. Yes, as I remember, it may be set up also only for specific members.

Author Prince
#9 · Posted: 3 Oct 2011 21:34
So it will need the additional development and here only your good offer could make sense.
Of course I can offer, but what would you say and we can discuss about it :) But I need it just for moderator not users.

as I remember, it may be set up also only for specific members.
I read it also, but I think I almost bought all of your add-ons, even copyrights, and some other custom works, have been here since 2 years and will be more...! I really like MiniBB and I'm one of your supporter for it (Maybe small, but things start with small things).
So I'll be grateful if you provide it for me also :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#10 · Posted: 4 Oct 2011 11:05
Ok, let me keep your offer in mind and I hope to get back to it after I release the new version of miniBB. If we talk about the current time, I just don't have it. I'll leave it in my todo tasks and will come to you later.

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 Question about bulk purchases ...
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