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Discount for purchasing addons together?

Author pingme
#1 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 06:40
I am considering purchasing couple of add ons, just wondering if there is any kind of discount for it.

The reason, if I purchase all add ons together, it equals price of bb scripts like vb/ipb...still wondering if thats worth for me

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 07:03
Christmas is not that far away - you might get lucky! :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 08:39
We are providing discounts only on Christmas sales like marsbar said. That time you can get 2 add-ons for the price of one. Maybe this year we will have another program.

If your overall order exceeds $100 we could provide 10% discount. However for the smaller sums there is nothing to discuss... specially regarding low dollar rate here in Europe. If you feel vb/ipb fits better for you, we will not be against it.

P.S. Yes the total price might be closer to what vBulletin or other board companies provide, but I am sure it anyway will be lower, and miniBB's code is anyway more clean and lite. And this is one-time payment... 'buy forever' type. For vBulletin you need to pay yearly rates as I suppose.

Author pingme
#4 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 08:55
Thanks Paul, I am not comparing minibb over ibp/vb. I am here because liked minibb I saw :) I remember last time when I checked there were some discount thing going on so wanted to check if something is available thats it.

and I think waiting for Christmas would be the best idea ;)

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 31 Oct 2007 09:02
That time you can get 2 add-ons for the price of one.

When will this start :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 31 Oct 2007 11:19
When will this start

- In December, Christmas eve.
Check News section to see when it was started past times and when it was ended...

Author pingme
#7 · Posted: 1 Nov 2007 17:31
I think you should consider selling complete premium add on pack at some discounted price or a premium yearly membership, with access to all existing addons and new developed add on in the membership year

While I understand the logic behind selling it separately, I think many of users would be interested in such a "Value" pack.

Author tom322
Active Member
#8 · Posted: 1 Nov 2007 21:56
The problem may be that such "value pack" might be available "for free" on the second day it was sold ;).

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#9 · Posted: 2 Nov 2007 03:38
We have no yearly or timing terms, so since you purchase the add-on(s) you can download them from Customers area for 15 times, incl. new versions and updates. I think our prices are already affordable for this; and as I mentioned previously, if your order exceeds exceeds $100 we could provide 10% discount, but nothing more. If you think you can find more suitable software and support for the lower prices, you're welcome ;-)

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 Discount for purchasing addons together?
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