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Vimeo BB codes solution released

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 17 Oct 2011 16:28
While working out the newer release of miniBB, I am also opened to the additions which are compatible with any version :) As always, sponsors and investors are welcome to suggest the new stuff for the community and sponsor it for fair prices.

This time, under little patronage of Galmoer Audio Visual Design from Netherlands, we have shared another pieces of BB-code - for embedding Vimeo's sharing service videos. If I understand correctly, YouTube reminds a garbage can these days where you have no chances of finding HQ artistic films. Vimeo appears a good alternative to it, and already popular.

Feel free to download and apply these codes for your miniBB-board.

Author nmnnav
#2 · Posted: 17 Oct 2011 22:24
Outstanding add-on! :)

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 Vimeo BB codes solution released
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