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miniBB version 3.6.1 released

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 | Posted: 9 Jun 2023 19:28 
This release includes a collection of minor fixes and improvements to the recently released ver.3.6. As usually, check the Updates History file — scroll to its bottom to locate Changes comparision: 3.6 — 3.6.1; this file's archived version is also possible to Download.

And surely, miniBB's new version is also free to download, and available test on miniBB Full Demo website.

This release also comes prior to the major update of the Mobile version which is released next week, and contains some important updates for it.

Enjoy using miniBB, and feel free to post bug reports or impressions in this thread :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 24 Jun 2023 14:44 
Update to the current package: bb_func_login.php should not contain redirection for Guest posting, because this switches the Guest posting off in general. All posts made will not be saved.

This file is currently updated in the 3.6.1 package, and the remark regarding this change in the Updates History file eliminated.

Author wmead
#3 | Posted: 23 Jul 2023 07:33 
I have missed a lot apparently since my medical issues while being away so many updates with minibb i love seeing a great piece software being updated.

News miniBB Support Forums / News /
 miniBB version 3.6.1 released
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